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Some events are open to all, join us to know more about us."}),i.a.createElement("meta",{name:"twitter:description",content:"Get a glimpse of latest happenings in Tarento. Some events are open to all, join us to know more about us."}),i.a.createElement("meta",{property:"og:description",content:"Get a glimpse of latest happenings in Tarento. Some events are open to all, join us to know more about us."}),i.a.createElement("meta",{name:"keywords",content:"Great Place to Work in India, riverand,sunbird, Digital Business Strategy"}),i.a.createElement("meta",{property:"og:image",content:"https://www.tarento.com/images/common/Tarento_logo.svg"}),i.a.createElement("meta",{name:"twitter:image",content:"https://www.tarento.com/images/common/Tarento_logo.svg"}),i.a.createElement("meta",{property:"og:type",content:"news"}),i.a.createElement("meta",{property:"og:locale",content:"en_US"}),i.a.createElement("meta",{name:"twitter:card",content:"Get a glimpse of latest happenings in Tarento. Some events are open to all, join us to know more about us."}),i.a.createElement("meta",{name:"twitter:site",content:"Tarento - News"}),i.a.createElement("link",{href:"https://www.tarento.com/news/",rel:"canonical"})),i.a.createElement(o.d,null,i.a.createElement(o.c,null),i.a.createElement("main",{role:"main",className:"news"},i.a.createElement(l,null),i.a.createElement(d,null),i.a.createElement(p,null))))}},911:function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"data":{"latest":{"edges":[{"node":{"slug":"accelerating-digital-transformation-tarento-group-and-on-device-solutions-strategic-partnership","id":"Ghost__Post__660d0ac70d9a1e4b3741ca80","title":"Accelerating Digital Transformation: Tarento Group and On Device Solutions Strategic Partnership","tags":[{"name":"News"}],"excerpt":"Tarento Technologies proudly announces its partnership with On Device Solutions (ODS), a niche IT consultancy specializing in highly rated enterprise mobility solutions","feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2024/04/Tarento_X_On_Device_Solutions.jpeg","meta_title":"India, April 2024"}}]}}}')},912:function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"data":{"news":{"edges":[{"node":{"feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2023/12/Certified-Microsoft-Solution-partner-1.png","slug":"tarento-is-now-a-certified-microsoft-solution-partner","id":"Ghost__Post__656dc82e0d9a1e4b3741c9e6","title":"Tarento is now a certified Microsoft Solution partner","tags":[{"name":"News"}],"excerpt":"Tarento is now a certified Microsoft Solution partner","meta_title":"India, December 2023","html":"

4 December 2023

Tarento has qualified to be a Microsoft Solutions Partner in the Digital and App Innovation (Azure) area.

The Solutions Partner designation has been awarded to Tarento for demonstrating its capabilities across three areas :  Customer Success, Skilling and Performance. The criteria are measured by a partner capability score, which is a composite score that quantifies the partner’s performance across the mentioned areas.  

By attaining the Solutions Partner designation, Tarento has showcased its expertise and is now eligible to co-sell with Microsoft.

"}},{"node":{"feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2023/06/tarento-xylem-partnership-digital-transformation-in-water-technology.png","slug":"tarento-xylem-driving-innovation-in-water-technology","id":"Ghost__Post__6491a9a30d9a1e4b3741c8cb","title":"Tarento x Xylem: Driving Innovation in Water Technology","tags":[{"name":"News"}],"excerpt":"Today, on World Ocean Day, we are proud to highlight the remarkable partnership between Xylem, a global leader in water technology solutions, and Tarento, a trusted partner in digital innovation.","meta_title":"USA, June 2023","html":"

8 June 2023

Today, on World Ocean Day, we are proud to highlight the remarkable partnership between Xylem, a global leader in water technology solutions, and Tarento, a trusted partner in digital innovation.

Xylem, a beacon of innovation, operates in over 150 countries, championing the development of smart technologies that address the world\'s most pressing water challenges.

For the past several years, Tarento has collaborated closely with Xylem, delivering an exceptional customer service experience that has left a lasting impact. By leveraging the cutting-edge Low-code Microsoft Power Platform, Tarento has helped Xylem streamline its business processes, enabling them to operate more efficiently and effectively.

Together, Xylem and Tarento have co-created a digital ecosystem that enhances the capabilities of Xylem\'s water solutions and is now a trusted partner for all Power Platform activities.

As Xylem continues to lead the way in transforming Water management, their dedication to sustainability shines through. In their relentless pursuit of a cleaner, healthier environment, Xylem has forged invaluable partnerships with local communities around the globe.

On the occasion of World Ocean Day, discover how they are making a real impact in this article: World Oceans Day 2023: Time to put our oceans first , and join us in celebrating their unwavering commitment to Co-create a #BetterTomorrow.

"}},{"node":{"feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2023/06/Bollstan-s-SK-F15---f2008--team.png","slug":"tarento-supports-bollstanas-f15-football-team","id":"Ghost__Post__64914ede0d9a1e4b3741c8ab","title":"Empowering Girls in Sports: Tarento\'s Support for BOLLSTANÄS F15 Football Team","tags":[{"name":"News"}],"excerpt":"We are proud to share our recent support for the BOLLSTANÄS F15 (F2008) teenage football team as part of our commitment to promoting sports for girls and a healthy lifestyle.","meta_title":"Sweden, May 2023","html":"

22 May 2023

We are proud to share our recent support for the BOLLSTANÄS F15 (F2008) teenage football team as part of our commitment to promoting sports for girls and a healthy lifestyle.

Last month, the team, consisting of 23 talented players and five dedicated coaches, embarked on an adventure in Glasgow, Scotland. Over four action-packed days, they engaged in thrilling football matches with Scottish teams, watched inspiring football games, and explored the vibrant city of Glasgow. Most importantly, they formed lifelong bonds as a unified team.

Tarento sponsored the team by providing them with stylish BSK hoodies, which not only offered comfort but also symbolized their unity and team spirit.

At Tarento, we remain steadfast in our commitment to empowering people in sports, and we look forward to supporting initiatives that encourage a healthy and active lifestyle.

"}},{"node":{"feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2023/05/Mission-Karmayogi-Hon-ble-Prime-Minister-of-India-s-address-on-National-Civil-Services-Day.png","slug":"mission-karmayogi-honble-prime-minister-of-indias-address-on-national-civil-services-day-2","id":"Ghost__Post__6458acdf0d9a1e4b3741c7b8","title":"Mission Karmayogi: Hon’ble Prime Minister of India\'s address on National Civil Services Day","tags":[{"name":"News"}],"excerpt":"We at Tarento believe GovTech helps transform government-citizen relationships and is the future of the public sector. Mission Karmayogi is one project where we contribute towards a capacity-building initiative for the sustained and targeted learning of 21 Million government officials in India.","meta_title":"India, April 2023","html":"

21 April 2023

From helping public leaders serve their communities to accelerating governments, we believe GovTech helps transform government-citizen relationships and is the future of the public sector.

Over the past few years, GovTech has been one of our key areas of expertise. We have been working on cutting-edge solutions with best-in-class open-source technologies for efficient & secure governance and contributed towards better administration for governments worldwide.

Mission Karmayogi is one project where we contribute towards a capacity-building initiative for the sustained and targeted learning of 21 Million government officials in India.

Catch the highlights from Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s address today on the occasion of National Civil Services Day.

He stresses how under Mission Karmayogi, in collaboration with Capacity Building Commission, the iGOT platform is helping harness the full potential of the government workforce by making quality training and learning resources available anywhere, anytime, and on any device.

Hon’ble Prime Minister also shared how new entrants to government service are being trained on iGOT through the Karmayogi Prarambh module curated specially to help them transition seamlessly into their new roles.

"}},{"node":{"feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2023/06/Shaping-the-Future-of-Indian-Civil-Services-Tarento-at-iGOT-Karmashala-Workshop.png","slug":"shaping-the-future-of-indian-civil-services-tarento-at-igot-karmashala-workshop","id":"Ghost__Post__6492f26f0d9a1e4b3741c925","title":"Shaping the Future of Indian Civil Services: Tarento at iGOT Karmashala Workshop","tags":[{"name":"News"}],"excerpt":"The #iGOTKarmayogi program which is on a mission to transform the Indian civil services landscape, recently gave us an opportunity to witness its real influence on the ground when a security guard received top honors. This exemplifies the transformative potential of Mission Karmayogi.","meta_title":"India, May 2023","html":"

2 May 2023

The #iGOTKarmayogi program which is on a mission to transform the Indian civil services landscape, recently gave us an opportunity to witness its real influence on the ground when a security guard received top honors. This exemplifies the transformative potential of Mission Karmayogi.

Tarento team at Karmayogi Bharat\'s iGOT Karmashala Consultative Workshop in Delhi

At Tarento, we are proud to be a Technology Partner in the Mission Karmayogi initiative, which aims to enhance the skills and knowledge of 21 million government officials in India. As part of this capacity-building endeavor, we are excited to contribute and play a role in shaping the future of Indian Civil Services.

In collaboration with the Capacity Building Commission, Karmayogi Bharat organized a Consultative Workshop called iGOT Karmashala in New Delhi on May 2nd, 2023. We had the privilege of attending this workshop at Vigyan Bhavan, Delhi, alongside various stakeholders from different ministries. Together, we deliberated on the roadmap for iGOT Karmayogi, seeking to make the platform even more impactful.

The workshop witnessed enthusiastic participation from Ministries, Government Departments, Organizations, Training Institutions, Content Providers, and Technology Partners. The primary focus was to present the existing iGOT Platform to all key stakeholders and gather valuable feedback to enhance the portal.

We were honored by the presence of the Hon’ble Union Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances, and Pensions, Shri Jitendra Singh, who delivered the Keynote Address. He also launched three new features - Assessments, Surveys, and Dashboard - on the iGOT Karmayogi Platform.

Hon’ble Union Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances, and Pensions, Shri Jitendra Singh at iGOT Karmashala Consultative Workshop

The top performing learners who have taken up the highest number of courses on the platform from Institutions, Departments, and Organizations, such as Lok Sabha Secretariat, Department of Health Research, NIT-Srinagar, Indian Bank, and Directorate of Census Operations were also felicitated for their commendable achievement.

The breakout sessions on \'Karmayogi Ecosystem\' fostered focused discussions on collaboration with key stakeholders for the holistic development of the capacity-building landscape.  

The insightful feedback we received from iGOT Karmayogi participants has provided us with valuable insights, and we are looking forward to accelerating governments and transforming government-citizen relationships through #MissionKarmayogi.

"}},{"node":{"feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2023/06/Tarento-hosts--slandsbanki-s-Chief-Digital-Data-Officer.png","slug":"tarento-hosts-islandsbankis-chief-digital-and-data-officer-at-bengaluru-office","id":"Ghost__Post__6491b0990d9a1e4b3741c8f5","title":"Tarento hosts Íslandsbanki\'s Chief Digital and Data Officer at Bengaluru Office","tags":[{"name":"News"}],"excerpt":"This week, we welcomed Riaan Dreyer, Chief Digital and Data Officer from Íslandsbanki to our Bengaluru office. Our partnership with Íslandsbanki (ISB) began in 2021, and since then, we have been actively assisting ISB on several IT initiatives.","meta_title":"India, April 2023","html":"

28 April 2023

This week, we welcomed Riaan Dreyer, Chief Digital and Data Officer from Íslandsbanki to our Bengaluru office.

Our partnership with Íslandsbanki (ISB) began in 2021, and since then, we have been actively assisting ISB on several IT initiatives. While we discussed the possibilities of furthering our collaboration with ISB in their transformation journey, what truly resonated with us was Riaan\'s simple yet powerful vision for the team and the emphasis on mutual trust and engagement, which has been instrumental in fostering long-term partnerships.

There were also several lighter moments during the meeting that ranged from discussing cricket to an auto rickshaw ride, which made the visit all the more memorable.

We thank Riaan for taking the time to connect with the #Tarento team. It was a fantastic opportunity to meet and interact with him and we look forward to hosting him again soon!

"}},{"node":{"feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2023/05/Tarento-x-Atos-Medical-A-Digital-Transformation-Journey-Into-Making-People-s-Lives-Easier.png","slug":"tarento-atos-medical-digital-transformation","id":"Ghost__Post__64589ddf0d9a1e4b3741c75f","title":"Tarento x Atos Medical: A Digital Transformation Journey Into Making People\'s Lives Easier","tags":[{"name":"News"}],"excerpt":"Tarento is glad to have co-created a fantastic Customer Service experience for Atos Medical over the last few years. Recently, we had the pleasure of hosting Jasmina Kovac, Data Architect & Data Warehouse Manager from Atos Medical.","meta_title":"India, March 2023","html":"

31 March 2023

Happy employees make happy customers! Being an \'Employee First Customer First\' organization, we always strive to create a happy and healthy work culture for our employees and customers.

Recently, we had the pleasure of hosting one of our customers, Jasmina Kovac, Data Architect & Data Warehouse Manager from Atos Medical.

Jasmina visited our Tarento office in Bengaluru, India, to meet our team and learn about Tarento and our inclusive work culture. We had the pleasure of understanding more about Atos Medical’s work through her.

Tarento is glad to have co-created a fantastic Customer Service experience for Atos Medical over the last few years. Covering a wide portfolio of SAP and Data warehouse demands, we have delivered quality solutions under Product Compliance, Warehouse Management Process Mobilization on Neptune, Salesforce Integration, and many more. We have co-walked quite a transformation journey so far, and we are happy to be a part of Atos Medical’s journey into making people\'s lives easier through personalized care and innovative solutions.

Jasmina’s stay of one week was filled with enthusiasm and was an excellent opportunity for everyone to work, learn and grow together. We also enjoyed exploring food and some prominent places in and around Bengaluru.

It was a fantastic opportunity to meet and interact with Jasmina. We hope to keep going together with Atos Medical and her to Co-create a better tomorrow!

"}},{"node":{"feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2023/05/Tarento-at-SAP-Discovery-Day-for-Business-Technology-Platform.png","slug":"tarento-at-sap-discovery-day-for-business-platform","id":"Ghost__Post__6458b2f90d9a1e4b3741c7fc","title":"Tarento at SAP Discovery Day for Business Technology Platform","tags":[{"name":"News"}],"excerpt":"As a registered SAP Services & VAR Partner, we recognize the importance of staying current with tech advancements & industry trends. Tarento join forces with SAP on SAP Discovery Day for BTP to share insights on how BTP can help businesses accelerate & simplify their transformation to the cloud!","meta_title":"Sweden, March 2023","html":"

21 March 2023

An engaging session today on the SAP Discovery Day for Business Technology Platform event in Stockholm, Sweden.

As a registered SAP Services & VAR Partner, we recognize the importance of staying up to date with the latest technological advancements and industry trends.

This year\'s SAP BTP event provided a unique opportunity for professionals to network, learn from experts, and gain insight into the latest innovations in the field. We joined forces with SAP for the event to bring our expertise and experience and contribute to the industry.

Our folks Rahul Karnawat and Bindu U. Patole delivered an exclusive session on the topic \\"Pivoting to an Intelligent Digital Enterprise with SAP BTP.\\" We shared insights on how the Business Technology Platform can help businesses accelerate and simplify their transformation to the cloud!

Thanks to all the 60+ customers, participants, and speakers who attended our session yesterday alongside SAP. We hope the session on our topic and our work on the SAP BTP was insightful and will help customers adopt and scale with BTP to the next level.

"}},{"node":{"feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2022/10/Tarento-Partners-with-EightOcean-Sweden-to-offer-solutions-for-product-master-data-vendor-supplier-management-1.png","slug":"tarento-partners-with-eightocean-to-offer-cloud-native-mdm-and-pim-in-the-nordics","id":"Ghost__Post__634e762e0d9a1e4b3741c2d1","title":"Tarento partners with EightOcean to Offer Business Intelligence and Data Management solutions","tags":[{"name":"News"}],"excerpt":"We are pleased to announce our new strategic partnership with EightOcean, a Swedish startup with a mature and powerful platform for Product Data- and Supplier/Vendor Management.","meta_title":"India, September 2022","html":"

We are pleased to announce our new strategic partnership with EightOcean, a Swedish startup with a mature and powerful platform for Product Data- and Supplier/Vendor Management. Together with EightOcean we will offer customer solutions that raise and maintain the quality of data and thereby confidence. With high quality data we can help to eliminate business inefficiencies, mistrust, missed opportunities and lost revenue for our joint customers.

This partnership will significantly strengthen the base for lending a flexible and scalable platform with unique possibilities to solve specific needs as well as further develop and meet new demands from both the market and customers in an ever changing environment.

About our partner, EightOcean offers a place to create, consolidate and distribute data with high quality to systems like logistics, invoicing, e-commerce, marketing, or other digital data carriers. EightOcean solves the problem with incomplete and incorrect data from multiple sources by offering a solution that validates the data quality. The flexibility allows you to keep your data continuously updated, take new consumer demands and regulatory requirements into consideration, and distribute the right information to the right party at the right time.

“We are delighted to add Tarento as a partner and highly value their skills within master data management, ERP systems and PIM solutions. There´s great potential in joining forces to serve the market with future offers and solutions, “says Peter J Nilsson, Chairman of EightOcean.

“We are very pleased to sign a partnership agreement with EightOcean as we see that their people and platform significantly add to our offer around enterprise applications, master data & information management, custom solutions, and consultancy. We have a unique opportunity to combine our core skills and capabilities to offer best-in-class solutions within Master Data Management and Business Intelligence” says Rahul Karnawat, Founding Partner of Tarento Group.

“EightOcean offers a fantastic platform and within quality assurance and structuring of data - probably the best solution I have ever seen”, says Ashish Kumar, Vice President, Data & Analytics, Tarento Group.

As EightOcean believes that the foundation for efficiency comes from high quality Data, our joined forces will help companies accelerate their business growth and we see a bright future with EightOcean as our valued partner!

"}},{"node":{"feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2022/11/Nakshatra-Tarento-Turns-Twelve-12th-Anniversary-Celebration-logo.png","slug":"tarento-turns-12","id":"Ghost__Post__63733e880d9a1e4b3741c68e","title":"Tarento Turns 12","tags":[{"name":"News"}],"excerpt":"Tarento Turns 12! Last month, Tarento celebrated its 12th Anniversary - A celebration of our people, the Employee First Customer First culture, and our accomplishments in helping to co-create a Better Tomorrow!","meta_title":"India, October 2022 ","html":"

Tarento Turns 12! Last month, Tarento celebrated its 12th Anniversary - A celebration of our people, the Employee First Customer First culture, and our accomplishments in helping to co-create a Better Tomorrow!

Let’s unwrap the madness we had last month, as when we celebrate, we do it with a lot of vigour and joy!

Like every successful event, the day started with the lamp-lighting ceremony and a cultural dance performance by one of our employee’s daughter. The welcome speech was delivered by our founder, Vijay SP, followed by a series of games, performances, and the grand feast.

With over 200 colleagues and their family members in person and the rest joining in virtually, there were rewards and recognition, talent showcases, and more! The day was made more special by some vivacious and pulsating dance, drama, and musical performances. It was one big party for one big family.

We would like to thank the audience and the enthusiastic participants for gracing this event with their presence.

We concluded the event by shaking our legs a bit at the DJ and fashion show, followed by dinner and recollecting some of the fondest memories ever created.

Here are some glimpses from our fun-filled 12th-anniversary celebrations!

"}},{"node":{"feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2022/11/Tarento-Innovation-day-2022.png","slug":"innovation-day","id":"Ghost__Post__637336ca0d9a1e4b3741c646","title":"Innovating for a better tomorrow","tags":[{"name":"News"}],"excerpt":"To appreciate the team behind delighting our customers and their users all the time, last week, we at Tarento celebrated the ‘NXT InnovationDay’ to showcase and acknowledge the latest developments from our innovation wing - NXT.","meta_title":"India, October 2022 ","html":"

Tarento Innovation Day

Building innovative solutions, inspiring interfaces, and delightful interactions to deliver a fantastic user experience is one of the facets of Tarento’s DNA.

To appreciate the team behind delighting our customers and their users all the time, last week, we at Tarento celebrated the ‘NXT InnovationDay’ to showcase and acknowledge the latest developments from our innovation wing - NXT.

NXT is the design and innovation wing of Tarento with a primary focus on bringing new technologies, new perspectives, and new ways of working to the world for a better tomorrow. Jinesh Sumedhan, Senior Vice President - Innovation, kicked off the event with a keynote session giving an insight into our accelerator programs. The keynote was followed by sessions on each accelerator and solution providing insights into their origin, history, impact and roadmap.

Innovation day also had a showcase component that included an interactive demonstration of the analytics framework, data platform, AI assistant, and a series of apps, including the ones leveraging augmented reality. A complete walkthrough of the products and a presentation of the case studies enlightened the audience on the offerings and product customizations. Interactive demos of the products placed for the audience drove meaningful conversations and the event concluded with one-on-one discussions on collaborative activities, future possibilities and opportunities.

Want to know more about our key accelerators and programs?

Check out nxt.tarento.com and get in touch with us!

"}},{"node":{"feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2022/11/Tarento---letter-of-award-post-cover-picture.png","slug":"tarento-receives-letter-of-award","id":"Ghost__Post__6375dcc90d9a1e4b3741c6ea","title":"Tarento receives ‘Letter of Award’ from the Government of Uttar Pradesh.","tags":[{"name":"News"}],"excerpt":"Adding one more feather to the portfolio of large initiatives in the public sector, Tarento is thrilled and proud to have been chosen to build the digital platform/transparent regulatory system for Mission Niramaya.","meta_title":"India, October 2022 ","html":"

Adding one more feather to the portfolio of large initiatives in the public sector, Tarento is thrilled and proud to have been chosen to build the digital platform/transparent regulatory system for Mission Niramaya.

On the launch day of the mission, the ‘Letter of Award’ was handed over to Tarento from the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath.  On Saturday, 8th Oct 22, under the guidance of the Government of Uttar Pradesh and the honorable Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Shri Yogi Adityanath, Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak, Minister of State for Medical Education Mayankeshwar Sharan Singh, D.S. Mishra, Chief Secretary, and other honorable guests, the State Medical Faculty launched Mission Niramaya, in the presence of representatives from more than 200 hospitals and nursing and paramedical institutes across the state.  

The objective of the mission is to strengthen the health care system with quality enhancement, quality education, and increased job opportunities in the nursing-paramedical sector of Uttar Pradesh.  Tarento is the chosen Technology Partner in building the Opensource platform for UPSMF as it aims to become a digital-first medical regulator. With the goal of reshaping the Healthcare and medical landscape, this platform will revamp nursing and paramedical training. The platform will also aim to solve the knowledge gaps that students experience as they transition into this career.   We congratulate all the team members and all the other organizations who worked diligently and made the project a great success.

Watch the glimpse of the ceremony here!

"}},{"node":{"feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2023/05/Glimpses-from-the-Onam-themed-Open-House-Event-at-our-Bengaluru-Office-.png","slug":"a-glimpse-of-onam-celebrations-at-tarento-office-bengaluru","id":"Ghost__Post__6458f0ad0d9a1e4b3741c844","title":"Glimpses from the Onam-themed Open House Event at our Bengaluru Office!","tags":[{"name":"News"}],"excerpt":"As we resumed our hybrid work model across the organization on September 1st, Tarento organized a fun get-together to allow all its employees & their families to visit our new workplace in Bengaluru. We opened our doors & welcomed our employees & their families on Sep 6th for an Open House event.","meta_title":"India, September 2022","html":"

6 September 2022

Our Tarento clan never misses a chance to celebrate, and what better time to bring employees and their families together than the festive season!

As we resumed our hybrid work model across the organization on September 1st, Tarento organized a fun get-together to provide an opportunity for all its employees and their families to visit our new workplace in Bangalore. We opened our doors and welcomed our employees and their families on September 6th for an Open House event.

The happiness of seeing each other after long combined with the festive waves coloured Tarento\'s cabins and minds!

We wish the spirit of the Onam festival guide and light your way to a prosperous and happy future. From us to you - Happy Onam!

"}},{"node":{"feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2022/09/Tarento-News-Glimpses-from-the-action-packed-Tarento-Badminton-Championship-2022.svg","slug":"glimpses-from-action-packed-tarento-badminton-championship-2022","id":"Ghost__Post__631591340d9a1e4b3741c1aa","title":"Glimpses from the action-packed Tarento Badminton Championship 2022!","tags":[{"name":"News"}],"excerpt":"Four categories. 33 high-energy matches. And the smashing #TarentoBadmintonChampionship 2022 ended on a high note Saturday, 27th August, 2022!","meta_title":"India, August 2022","html":"

Four categories. 33 high-energy matches. And the smashing Tarento Badminton Championship 2022 ended on a high note on Saturday, 27th August, 2022!  

The Tournament held between 30 players, participating from various internal teams, was a neck-to-neck competition and they all did ‘raise a racket’.

Here’s the list of Winners and Runners up:

Men\'s Singles  - Samuel Steve
Runner up -  Shreevas Karanth
2nd Runner Up - Jay Mukherjee

Men\'s Doubles  -  Surendra Babu & Srinivasan Govindan
Runner up - Samuel Steve & Sunil Rajan
2nd Runner Up - Harsha Krishna & Veeresh Renukaradhya

Women\'s Singles - Shalini Nagaraja
Runner up - Ilma Ali Farooqui
2nd Runner Up - Somya Jaiswal

Mixed Doubles - Samuel Steve & Shalini Nagaraja
Runner up - Harsha Krishna & Sheela Kumari
2nd Runner Up -  Ilma Ali Farooqui & Jay Mukherjee

Thanks to everyone who organized the event, the participants, the attendees who participated in the activities throughout the day and a hearty congratulations to all the winners and runner-ups!

"}},{"node":{"feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2023/05/Smart-India-Hackathon-2022.png","slug":"smart-india-hackathon-2022","id":"Ghost__Post__6458cc610d9a1e4b3741c81c","title":"Smart India Hackathon 2022","tags":[{"name":"News"}],"excerpt":"It’s a moment of honor for Tarento as the Ministry of India invited our Technology Lead, Sri Vathsa, & Technical Architect, Vinu Kumar, for the judging & mentorship panel of Smart India Hackathon 2022, a nationwide initiative to provide students with a platform to solve pressing daily problems.","meta_title":"India, August 2022","html":"

26 August 2022

It’s a moment of honour for Tarento as our Technology Lead Sri Vathsa and Technical Architect vinu kumar were invited by the Ministry of India for the judging & mentorship panel of Smart India Hackathon Software Edition 2022. Held at one of the Nodal Centres, JSS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY (JSS S&TU), Mysuru, from Aug. 25 to Aug. 26, our technology leaders got an opportunity to take up the role as Nodal Center appointed experts from the Industry for 3 different problem statements (RK780, RK782, RK783) which were related to the use-cases in the Sunbird Ecosystem and the Diksha system.

Smart India Hackathon is a nationwide initiative to provide students a platform to solve some of the pressing problems we face daily, thus inculcating a culture of product innovation and a problem-solving mindset. The event was extremely successful in promoting innovation and out-of-the-box thinking in young people, especially engineering students from all around India.

The university and the SIH-2022 Nodal Team recognized and felicitated the panelists for their extended support as Industry experts and as the Jury. Guiding and evaluating the students with their software solutions, they supported students throughout the Hackathon with suggestions as well as solutions.

We heartily appreciate the government for such a great initiative and wish all the winners, runner ups and participants a brighter future and success in all of their future endeavours.

"}},{"node":{"feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2022/07/Tarento-Toastmasters-350th-Milestone-Meeting-1.png","slug":"a-toast-to-toastmasters-350th-meeting-milestone","id":"Ghost__Post__62d666b60d9a1e4b3741c018","title":"A toast to Tarento\'s Toastmasters 350th Meeting Milestone","tags":[{"name":"News"}],"excerpt":"Celebrating the milestone of 350th meeting since its formation, Tarento’s Toastmasters Club successfully hosted DTM Nandajan for an interactive session for the event EMBLAZE 2022.","meta_title":"India, June 2022","html":"

Celebrating the milestone of 350th meeting since its formation, #Tarento’s Toastmasters Club successfully hosted DTM Nandajan for an interactive session for the event EMBLAZE 2022.

Nandajan is an avid corporate trainer, an ex-scientist at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, a filmmaker and a socially responsible person behind movements like Changathi - which works on adolescent suicide prevention. He has done more than 5000 successful interventions so far.

Going with the trend, the meeting was successfully conducted based on the hybrid model where the guests marked their presence virtually along with the ones present at the venue. A warm welcome by Toastmaster Nayantara marked the beginning of the gathering.

The session was further addressed by Former District 121 director - Vanitha Rangarajan DTM, Former Program quality director and current District director - Narayanan DTM, Former club growth director and current Program quality director - Arjun Sundar Raj DTM , Division A director - Prathik Shetty DTM and Former Area A2 director - Bharathwaj S. The interaction created a learning environment followed by exchange of ideas and suggestions.

"}},{"node":{"feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2022/07/Tarento-News-A-peek-into-some-moments-of-Tarento-Premier-League-2022-.png","slug":"a-peek-into-some-moments-of-tarento-premier-league-2022","id":"Ghost__Post__62c7ec3d0d9a1e4b3741bfcf","title":"A peek into some moments of Tarento Premier League 2022!","tags":[{"name":"News"}],"excerpt":"After a hiatus of 2 years, we brought our annual cricket tournament Tarento Premier League, back in action! A great shout-out of applause to all our winners! It was fun and a pleasure to witness the game, more importantly, to meet in person after a long covid break.","meta_title":"India, May 2022","html":"

After a hiatus of 2 years, we brought our annual cricket tournament Tarento Premier League, back in action!.

We were brimming with excitement to meet the Tarento family on the ground. With a wonderful team spirit and fun-filled performance, the two day tournament welcomed overwhelming participation not only from employees but the presence of their friends and family wrapped it into a super energetic event. This indeed showcased the hidden talent of all the participants who bonded well over the game.

Amongst the four teams, Tarento Titans lifted the winning trophy. Bhaskar Mamilla bagged the best bowler title, Hanumesh Kamatagi, the best batsman, and our man of the series was Reddi Prasad Irala.

A great shout out of applause to all our winners! It was fun and a pleasure to witness the game, more importantly to meet in person after a long covid break.

Concluding this year’s league with a peek into some moments of TPL 2022!

"}},{"node":{"feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2022/06/Tarento-ranks-32nd-in-the-list-of-Top-75-Great-Mid-Size-workplaces-in-India-News-1.png","slug":"tarento-ranks-32-at-great-mid-size-workplaces-in-india","id":"Ghost__Post__62baeb410d9a1e4b3741bf98","title":"Tarento Ranks 32 at Great Mid-Size Workplaces in India!","tags":[{"name":"News"}],"excerpt":"Tarento is already amongst India\'s Great Workplaces, and now we are super excited to share that Tarento has made it amongst the Top 50 India\'s Great Mid-Size Work Places 2022!","meta_title":"India, June 2022","html":"

Tarento is already amongst India\'s Great Workplaces, and now we are super excited to share that Tarento has made it amongst the Top 50 India\'s Great Mid-Size Work Places 2022!

This is a true testimony to our strong core values, \\"Employee First Customer First\\" philosophy and the \\"Employee First\\" Culture at Tarento Group! It is an absolute joy and honour to be awarded in this prestigious category by Great Place to Work® Institute (India), the global authority on building, sustaining and recognizing High-Trust, High-Performance Culture at workplaces.

Our heartfelt thanks & congratulations to all our employees who exemplify our #EmployeeFirst culture every day and for making Tarento a Great Place To Work!

Special thanks to Great Place to Work® Institute (India) for the recognition!

"}},{"node":{"feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2022/05/Tarento-Group-Solution-Provider-UTmessan-Iceland-NEWS-1.png","slug":"tarento-at-utmessan-one-of-the-largest-tech-events-in-iceland","id":"Ghost__Post__628626d40d9a1e4b3741be5a","title":"Tarento at UTmessan - One of the Largest IT Events in Iceland","tags":[{"name":"News"}],"excerpt":"Tarento is going to be there in Iceland as a Solution Provider at the UTmessan Event in Reykjavik on May 25!","meta_title":"Iceland, May 2022","html":"

Tarento is going to be there in Iceland as a Solution Provider at the UTmessan Event in Reykjavik on May 25!

UTmessan, one of the largest IT events in Iceland, is a joint collaboration between Ský - Skýrslutæknifélag Íslands (The Icelandic Computer Society), The University of Iceland and Reykjavik University and tech-related companies in Iceland. The event highlights the importance of information technology and its effects on individuals, businesses and Icelandic society alike.

Come by to say hi and join us to discuss how we can work together to overcome the challenges ahead, explore further possibilities in the digital realm and drive organizations towards a better tomorrow.

"}},{"node":{"feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2022/05/Tarento-ISO-270012013-Information-Security-Certified-News-1.png","slug":"data-security-tarento-accredited-with-the-prestigious-iso-27001-2013-certificate","id":"Ghost__Post__628e26940d9a1e4b3741bece","title":"Data Security: Tarento Accredited with the Prestigious ISO 27001:2013 Certificate","tags":[{"name":"News"}],"excerpt":"Tarento has successfully complied with the set of international standards for Information Security and has achieved ISO 27001:2013 certification!","meta_title":"Sweden, April 2022","html":"

Tarento has successfully complied with the set of international standards for Information Security and has achieved the prestigious ISO 27001 : 2013 certification!

Achieving the ISO 27001:2013 certification represents yet another huge milestone for Tarento. This certification means, we are prepared to proactively reduce information security risks and improve our ability to comply with data protection mandates. We’re set to guard more effectively against cyber threats such as malware and ransomware. Our commitment to data security does not end here! It is an ongoing process and Tarento being a “Employee First Customer First” Organization, we will keep working hard to maintain and exceed our security standards to protect both our company and customers data.

"}},{"node":{"feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2022/02/Tarento-SAP-By-Design-Value-Added-Reseller-Nordics-1.png","slug":"tarento-is-now-a-sap-value-added-reseller-in-the-nordics","id":"Ghost__Post__6204e3cb0d9a1e4b3741b7b9","title":"Tarento is now a SAP Value Added Reseller in the Nordics","tags":[{"name":"News"}],"excerpt":"After being a successful Silver Partner of SAP for over four years, Tarento is now ready to embark on a new mission to enable mid-market enterprises to scale their growing business. ","meta_title":"Sweden, February 2022","html":"

After being a successful Silver Partner of SAP for over four years, Tarento is now ready to embark on a new mission to enable mid-market enterprises to scale their growing business. With an extensive experience of the SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP), Tarento will leverage its experience in the new role as a sales partner and is proud to announce its SAP ByDesign partnership in the Nordics.

\\"Tarento has been a regional service partner to SAP and helped customers with innovation-led initiatives and to drive digitization. This together with the fact that we help companies to develop their business systems and get more out of their data gives us a unique position in digital transformation. SAP is a global leader in cloud-based business systems and technology platforms. As a new sales partner, we will be able to contribute even more to customers getting the maximum value from their IT and business investments\\", says Rahul Karnawat, CEO of Tarento in the Nordic region.

The new sales partnership will help us strengthen our collaboration with SAP and serve medium-sized companies in Sweden with exclusive tailor-made solutions using cloud-based SAP Business ByDesign.

To know more about our partnership with SAP, visit SAP News - Tarento ny säljpartner i Sverige för SAP:s affärssystem i molnet

"}},{"node":{"feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2022/06/Tarento-is-now-certified-as-a-Great-Place-to-Work--in-India--1.png","slug":"tarento-is-now-certified-as-a-great-place-to-work-r-in-india","id":"Ghost__Post__61d3db686375c87dfee70056","title":"Tarento is now certified as a Great Place to Work® in India!","tags":[{"name":"News"}],"excerpt":"A testimony of our \\"Employee First Customer First\\" philosophy and the \\"Employee First\\" Culture at Tarento. Our heartfelt thanks & congratulations to all our employees who exemplify our Employee First culture every day.","meta_title":"India, December 2021","html":"

Tarento is now certified as a Great Place to Work® in India!

This is a testimony of our \\"Employee First Customer First\\" philosophy and the \\"Employee First\\" Culture at Tarento. Thanks to the votes of our employees - they are the reason why we are celebrating yet another amazing milestone at Tarento.

Our heartfelt thanks & congratulations to all our employees who exemplify our Employee First culture every day.

#EmployeeFirst, Always!

"}},{"node":{"feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2021/10/TARENTO-TURNS--1--1.png","slug":"tarento-turns-eleven","id":"Ghost__Post__615c8a676375c87dfee6ff7d","title":"Tarento turns ELEVEN!","tags":[{"name":"News"}],"excerpt":"A Note from Vijay Sunkeswari, Co-Founder & CEO - Tarento India.","meta_title":"India, October 2021","html":"

A Note from our CEO to our T-Crew

\\"Tarento is now 11! It has been a very good journey and the last couple of years have been pretty exciting too. Our resilience to brace the pandemic and quickly adjust to the new ways of working speaks volumes about the strength and agility each one of us possess.

All the work we do goes a long way into co-creating a better tomorrow. Big thanks to you for all your contributions.

I really look forward to the times when we can resume in-person company wide celebrations. Let us hope that those times are coming true pretty soon!

Stay safe and keep smiling.\\"

- Vijay Sunkeswari, Co-Founder and CEO - Tarento India.

"}},{"node":{"feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2021/09/Tarento-Riversand-Partner-to-offer-cloud-native-mdm-and-pim@2x-1.png","slug":"tarento-partners-with-riversand-to-offer-mdm-pim-in-the-nordics","id":"Ghost__Post__615548856375c87dfee6ff0d","title":"Tarento partners with Riversand to Offer Cloud-Native MDM and PIM in the Nordics","tags":[{"name":"News"}],"excerpt":"Tarento announces strategic partnership with Riversand, a Syndigo company to help companies accelerate their business growth in the Nordics.","meta_title":"Sweden, September 2021","html":"

September 13, 2021

We are excited to announce our new strategic partnership with Riversand, a Syndigo company, a leading cloud-native SaaS Master Data Management (MDM) and Product Information Management (PIM) solution provider.

Tarento provides consultancy services to brands in Sweden, Finland and Norway that are seeking digital transformation across Data Management, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and analytics. The partnership with Riversand will offer customers in the Nordics a scalable and agile multi-domain MDM and PIM that allows additional applications to be developed to solve new business requirements as market conditions change.

Riversand’s cloud-native capabilities are essential for companies investing in digital transformation that want a scalable, future-proof solution and we believe this partnership offers companies in the Nordics an unmatched end-to-end solution for information management and governance.

“A successful implementation is key to leveraging a PIM solution, and Tarento’s experience in advising companies on how to maximize value complements Riversand’s best-in-class platform,” says Ben Rund, vice president of business development at Riversand.

Our joined forces will help companies in the Nordics accelerate their business growth and we are really looking forward to the future with Riversand as our valued partner!

"}},{"node":{"feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2021/11/Tarento-Group-Sunbird-Ekstep-Foundation-Digital-Public-Goods-Alliance-news---1@2x.png","slug":"sunbird-is-now-a-digital-public-good","id":"Ghost__Post__618b9f1e6375c87dfee6fff2","title":"Sunbird is now a Digital Public Good","tags":[{"name":"News"}],"excerpt":"A proud moment for the Sunbird open source project! Sunbird has been recognised as a Digital Public Good and is now in the registry of the Digital Public Goods Alliance.","meta_title":"India, August 2021","html":"

August 30, 2021

A proud moment for the Sunbird open source project! Sunbird has been recognised as a Digital Public Good and is now in the registry of the Digital Public Goods Alliance.

Incubated by The Government of Norway and The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), with a mission to accelerate sustainable development goals, DPGA is an initiative that facilitates the discovery and deployment of digital public goods.

Digital Public Goods play a critical role in ensuring an equitable recovery by better connecting and protecting societies in our increasingly digital world.

Open-source digital building blocks within Sunbird helps develop faster and cheaper solutions for learning and human development and are critical to cultivating digital transformation at scale.

We are honoured to be associated with helping develop & implement Sunbird and we heartily congratulate the whole Sunbird community on this huge milestone!

"}},{"node":{"feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2021/10/Tarento-new-office-Norway---1@2x-1.png","slug":"our-new-office-in-norway","id":"Ghost__Post__615b26886375c87dfee6ff47","title":"Our New Office in NORWAY","tags":[{"name":"News"}],"excerpt":"New beginnings! We\'re beyond excited to announce that we have opened a new office in Bergen, Norway to accommodate our growth in the Nordics, especially Norway.","meta_title":"Norway, August 2021","html":"

August 13, 2021

New beginnings! We\'re beyond excited to announce that we have opened a new office in Bergen, Norway to accommodate our growth in the Nordics, especially Norway.

Rumi Kislu has been onboarded as a Vice President at Tarento and he will be heading Tarento in Norway! With close to 20 years of experience in the IT industry, Rumi has played the roles of an enterprise architect, CTO and a business owner in his career so far. We are glad and super excited that Rumi chose to be a part of Tarento and in our journey towards a better tomorrow.

We have been having a constant flow of work from Norway for years and with Rumi Kislu’s joining as Vice President - Tarento Norway, we look to consolidate and grow in a more organized manner. This is in line with our commitment to expand our presence across the world to contribute towards a better world and a better tomorrow.

Our new office is located at Marineholmen in Bergen.

Come say hi to us at our new office and join us for a cup of coffee!

"}},{"node":{"feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2021/11/Tarento-India-Toastmasters-Distinguished-Club-certificate@2x-1.png","slug":"tarento-india-toastmasters-club-250-meeting-milestone","id":"Ghost__Post__618bbae86375c87dfee70028","title":"Tarento India Toastmasters Club - 250th Meeting Milestone","tags":[{"name":"News"}],"excerpt":"Last Saturday marked the 250th meeting of Tarento India Toastmasters Club. Also, this year the club flourished with the \\"President\'s Distinguished Club\\" award which is the highest education award given for club\'s program quality, membership strength and administration.","meta_title":"June 22, 2020","html":"

June 22, 2020

Last Saturday marked the 250th meeting of Tarento India Toastmasters Club. Also, this year the club flourished with the \\"President\'s Distinguished Club\\" award which is the highest education award given for club\'s program quality, membership strength and administration.

Achieving the 250th meeting (Yes yes.. Two Hundred and Fifty) milestone shows the unwavering effort and commitment of the Tarento Toastmasters over multiple years. We are proud to see the club touch and change many lives for better!

What started as a Speechcraft group to improve English language skills some 6 years ago is now a fully functioning club with a total of 200+ employees participating till date. The club is run by the employees pretty independently which epitomizes Initiative Taking and Personal Ownership values of Tarento.

Our heartfelt thanks & congratulations to all who brought this initiative to this milestone & our best wishes to the Tarento India Toastmasters Club for many more such glorious milestones!

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