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About the Customer

Plasman is a full-service partner for automotive thermoplastics, offering injection molding, painting, assembly, and logistics. With four state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities in Europe, Plasman delivers cost-effective, advanced plastic solutions from design to finish.


In response to the evolving landscape of integration technologies, our client, previously reliant on the legacy SAP Business Connector (BC) as a middleware solution for linking SAP systems to non-SAP partner systems, recognized the imperative to modernize their integration infrastructure.

The utilization of SAP Business Connector posed challenges attributed to its low standardization and limited market penetration, resulting in a scarcity of available add-ons and content. Acknowledging the inherent limitations and outdated architecture of SAP Business Connector, the client sought to transition to a more contemporary and scalable solution.

Opting for the SAP Integration Suite, a cloud-based platform, our client aims to leverage advanced integration capabilities, enhanced standardization, and improved adaptability. This migration signifies a strategic move towards aligning their integration framework with current industry standards and ensuring a seamless, future-ready integration landscape.

Tarento as the partner of choice

Tarento\'s selection as the preferred integration partner was driven by our exemplary technical proficiency, particularly in the realm of integration solutions, with a specialized focus on SAP Business Connector (BC) and SAP Integration Suite (IS) platforms. Our team possesses extensive expertise and a proven track record in navigating the complexities of these systems, showcasing a depth of knowledge that aligns seamlessly with the intricate requirements of the client. Recognizing the critical role that integration plays in contemporary business ecosystems, Tarento demonstrated unparalleled competency in orchestrating seamless transitions and ensuring optimal functionality within SAP environments.


The integration initiative posed distinct challenges, primarily arising from the proprietary storage format of system connections and mappings in SAP Business Connector (SBC). The absence of an automated migration path to SAP Cloud Integration Suite necessitated a detailed analysis of mapping conversions, including those in SAP BC, third-party solutions, and configured additional adapters. The absence of comprehensive documentation added complexity, requiring a meticulous exploration of existing mapping structures.

A critical aspect of the project involved decoding Java code within SAP BC and transforming it into Groovy scripts compatible with SAP Cloud Integration. This process demanded a nuanced understanding of the existing codebase, coupled with strategic planning to ensure a seamless transition of functionality to the new platform. Our team\'s adept handling of these challenges underscored our technical proficiency and ensured a successful integration migration that aligned with the client\'s objectives.


Tarento addressed the integration challenges by re-architecting the landscape from SAP Business Connector (SAP BC) to SAP Cloud Platform Integration (CPI), providing the client with a robust and modernized solution. The key solutions implemented include:

1. EDI Interface Implementation: Leveraging the B2B Add-on for SAP CPI, Tarento successfully implemented Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) interfaces, ensuring secure and standardized communication protocols for efficient data exchange.

2. Integration Content Advisor Deployment: Tarento streamlined the B2B integration process by strategically deploying the Integration Content Advisor, enhancing operational efficiency, and simplifying the management of integration content.

3. Multi-Production Instance for High Availability: Recognizing the need for continuous availability, Tarento established a Multi-Production Instance of SAP CPI in both the US and EU regions. This configuration ensures 24*7 availability and serves as a proactive measure against potential SAP Data Center outages.

4. Adherence to Industry Standards: The solutions implemented by Tarento adhere to industry standards, including EDIFACT, ODETTE, and VDA. This commitment to standards ensures compatibility and interoperability with prevailing business norms and practices.

Through these strategic initiatives, Tarento not only resolved the client\'s integration challenges but also positioned them for future scalability and resilience in their data exchange processes.

Outcomes and Impact

The implementation of EDI interfaces using the B2B Add-on for SAP CPI has resulted in significant positive impacts on our client\'s integration landscape:

Enhanced B2B Integration Efficiency: Tarento\'s deployment of EDI interfaces, facilitated by the B2B Add-on for SAP CPI, has streamlined and simplified the B2B integration process.

This enhancement has enabled our client to achieve seamless integration with their business partners, fostering smoother and more efficient collaboration.

Accelerated Deployment of New Scenarios: The solutions led to a notable reduction in deployment time for new integration scenarios. This increased agility allows our client to respond swiftly to evolving business requirements, ensuring quicker adaptation to changing market dynamics.

These impactful outcomes underscore Tarento\'s commitment to delivering solutions that not only address immediate challenges but also contribute to the long-term efficiency, adaptability, and success of our client\'s integration initiatives.

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About the Customer

The customer is a leader in developing innovative water solutions through smart technology. The company offers a complete range of advanced wastewater and water solutions across several industries from public utilities to food and beverage to mining.

Operating in 150+ countries, the company provides smart metering, networked communications, measurement, and control technologies, as well as critical infrastructure technologies that allow utilities to use their distribution networks to deliver, monitor, and control critical resources, such as water and electricity, and natural gas.


The customer was looking to:

Tarento as the partner of choice

Tarento’s capabilities in the Microsoft Stack combined with expertise in Cloud, RPA and AI was a decisive factor in positioning it as the technology solution provider of choice.


Tarento faced several challenges while designing and implementing the right solution. Major challenges include:


Tarento understood early that the only route to stabilization of the prevalent environment was to take full ownership of existing systems.

Outcomes and Impact

","localFeatureImage":{"childImageSharp":{"fluid":{"src":"/static/545dd52393a52f9cc1a9968ea31ed1b2/af144/Tarento-Customer-Story-Streamlining-Business-Processes-and-Application-Modernization-with-Microsoft-Power-Platform-for-a-Global-Leader-in-Smart-Water-Solutions-1.png","srcSet":"/static/545dd52393a52f9cc1a9968ea31ed1b2/7c0ed/Tarento-Customer-Story-Streamlining-Business-Processes-and-Application-Modernization-with-Microsoft-Power-Platform-for-a-Global-Leader-in-Smart-Water-Solutions-1.png 200w,\\n/static/545dd52393a52f9cc1a9968ea31ed1b2/647de/Tarento-Customer-Story-Streamlining-Business-Processes-and-Application-Modernization-with-Microsoft-Power-Platform-for-a-Global-Leader-in-Smart-Water-Solutions-1.png 400w,\\n/static/545dd52393a52f9cc1a9968ea31ed1b2/af144/Tarento-Customer-Story-Streamlining-Business-Processes-and-Application-Modernization-with-Microsoft-Power-Platform-for-a-Global-Leader-in-Smart-Water-Solutions-1.png 800w,\\n/static/545dd52393a52f9cc1a9968ea31ed1b2/ba299/Tarento-Customer-Story-Streamlining-Business-Processes-and-Application-Modernization-with-Microsoft-Power-Platform-for-a-Global-Leader-in-Smart-Water-Solutions-1.png 1200w","sizes":"(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px","aspectRatio":1.9138755980861244}}}}},{"node":{"slug":"digitization-of-globally-approved-energy-savings-research-model","id":"Ghost__Post__6371f0c90d9a1e4b3741c592","title":"Digitization of Globally Approved Energy Savings Research Model","tags":[{"name":"Case Studies"},{"name":"#industries:retail"}],"excerpt":"\\nBeckers Group, in association with Oxford Brookes University, has developed a globally approved energy-saving model. Know how Tarento digitized and revamped the energy savings model to help users (external and internal) in choosing/recommending energy-efficient Becker paints.","feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2022/11/Tarento-Customer-Story-Beckers-Digitization-of-Globally-Approved-Energy-Savings-Research-Model-1.png","featured":false,"html":"

About the Customer

With a 150-year legacy, Beckers is one of the leading paint manufacturers in Sweden, Norway & Denmark. As the leading supplier of coil coatings and industrial paints worldwide, the group offers an extensive range of high-performance coating solutions for a wide variety of applications.


Beckers Group in association with Oxford Brookes University has developed an energy-saving model which has been published in the Applied Thermal Engineering Journal where the concept is proved. Beckers wanted to digitize and revamp the energy savings model to help users (external and internal) in choosing/recommending energy-efficient Becker paints.

Tarento as the partner of choice

As a leader in providing digital solutions from concept to deployment and with its vast experience in helping Nordic customers, Tarento was an obvious choice as the implementation partner.


Though Beckers was already holding the globally approved energy savings research model, it hadn’t put it to effective digital use except for a basic internal solution.

Becker’s leadership wanted to give this research model a superior digital touch to help the users in their paint selection/purchase decisions.


Tarento’s solution approach involved deploying its pivotal LEAD framework, a multi-phase exercise which brings Lean & Design Thinking together in an Agile framework to reduce the inherent risks in successfully bringing innovative products to market.

After 3 weeks of a high-intensity LEAD sprint followed by a continuous discovery process with audits & interviews, Tarento was able to conceptualize a holistic solution that tackled all scenarios of people, product & solution. Key aspects of this phase included:

By taking a human-centric approach, we created tech-business-design oriented actionable artifacts for rapid enablement of development teams.

Outcomes and Impact

The clarity achieved as a result of LEAD helped development teams quickly take up the implementation of the recommendation made in the road map. The team was able to successfully roll out:

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About the Customer

Our customer is Europe\'s largest functional medicine clinic and one of the fastest-growing startups with digital and physical clinics across Sweden. They are an agile, Medtech startup with a strong vision to revolutionize Western healthcare through a patient-centric approach.


Our customer wanted to digitise their functional medicine treatment process to help functional medicine practitioners treat patients effectively.

Tarento as the partner of choice

As a leader in providing digital solutions from concept to deployment and with its vast experience in helping Nordic customers, Tarento was an obvious choice as the implementation partner.


However, for all practical reasons, all that was running through the customer’s mind was to establish a new digital platform & services that will deliver significant value to their business by improving the efficiency & creating a very tailored experience to all the personas involved.


Tarento’s solution approach involved deploying its pivotal LEAD framework, a multi-phase exercise which brings Lean & Design Thinking together in an Agile framework to reduce the inherent risks in successfully bringing innovative products to market.

After 6 weeks of high intensity LEAD sprint followed by a continuous discovery process with audits & interviews, Tarento was able to conceptualize a holistic solution that tackled all scenarios of people, product & solution. Key aspects of this phase included:

By taking a human-centric approach, we created tech-business-design oriented actionable artifacts for rapid enablement of development teams.

Outcomes and Impact

The clarity achieved as a result of LEAD helped development teams quickly take up the implementation of the recommendation made in the roadmap. The team was able to successfully roll out:

This subsequently helped the development team with all the clarity needed to continue with the implementation for the next 6 months.

","localFeatureImage":{"childImageSharp":{"fluid":{"src":"/static/70e19a630b08cdb78ca9c5bc29378d2e/af144/Tarento-Customer-Story-Transforming-Western-Healthcare-through-Functional-Medicine-1.png","srcSet":"/static/70e19a630b08cdb78ca9c5bc29378d2e/7c0ed/Tarento-Customer-Story-Transforming-Western-Healthcare-through-Functional-Medicine-1.png 200w,\\n/static/70e19a630b08cdb78ca9c5bc29378d2e/647de/Tarento-Customer-Story-Transforming-Western-Healthcare-through-Functional-Medicine-1.png 400w,\\n/static/70e19a630b08cdb78ca9c5bc29378d2e/af144/Tarento-Customer-Story-Transforming-Western-Healthcare-through-Functional-Medicine-1.png 800w,\\n/static/70e19a630b08cdb78ca9c5bc29378d2e/ba299/Tarento-Customer-Story-Transforming-Western-Healthcare-through-Functional-Medicine-1.png 1200w","sizes":"(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px","aspectRatio":1.9138755980861244}}}}},{"node":{"slug":"modernization-and-migration-to-microsoft-azure-cloud-for-a-leading-swedish-multinational-engineering-company-3","id":"Ghost__Post__636cff5f0d9a1e4b3741c522","title":"Modernization and Migration to Microsoft Azure Cloud for a leading Swedish Multinational Engineering Company","tags":[{"name":"Case Studies"},{"name":"#industries:transportation"}],"excerpt":"With more than 20+ web/mobile applications built on legacy technologies using an on-premises database, the company was looking to modernise the applications by leveraging Microsoft Azure. Know how Tarento redesigned and developed these applications, leveraging a low-code/no-code platform.","feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2022/11/Tarento-Customer-Story-Modernization-and-Migration-to-Microsoft-Azure-Cloud-for-a-leading-Swedish-Multinational-Engineering-Company-1.png","featured":false,"html":"

About the Customer

Our customer is a Swedish multinational engineering group specialising in metal cutting, digital and additive manufacturing, mining and construction, stainless and special steel alloys, and industrial heating. The company was founded in Sweden in 1862, and in 2020, the Group had approximately 37,000 employees and revenues of about 86 billion SEK in more than 160 countries.


The company had more than 20+ web/mobile applications that were built on legacy technologies using an on-premises database. The company was looking to modernise these applications by leveraging Microsoft Azure.

Tarento as the partner of choice

Tarento’s capabilities with Microsoft Azure, expertise in Application Integration and Data Engineering made it the solution provider of choice.


There were several challenges associated with the modernization exercise including:


Tarento redesigned and developed all the applications, leveraging a low code/no code platform that uses Azure as the analytics platform. We designed and developed Azure infrastructure, application integration, and data engineering solutions including:

Outcomes and Impact

","localFeatureImage":{"childImageSharp":{"fluid":{"src":"/static/afab7c122194476f9fc32c46641e8be6/af144/Tarento-Customer-Story-Modernization-and-Migration-to-Microsoft-Azure-Cloud-for-a-leading-Swedish-Multinational-Engineering-Company-1.png","srcSet":"/static/afab7c122194476f9fc32c46641e8be6/7c0ed/Tarento-Customer-Story-Modernization-and-Migration-to-Microsoft-Azure-Cloud-for-a-leading-Swedish-Multinational-Engineering-Company-1.png 200w,\\n/static/afab7c122194476f9fc32c46641e8be6/647de/Tarento-Customer-Story-Modernization-and-Migration-to-Microsoft-Azure-Cloud-for-a-leading-Swedish-Multinational-Engineering-Company-1.png 400w,\\n/static/afab7c122194476f9fc32c46641e8be6/af144/Tarento-Customer-Story-Modernization-and-Migration-to-Microsoft-Azure-Cloud-for-a-leading-Swedish-Multinational-Engineering-Company-1.png 800w,\\n/static/afab7c122194476f9fc32c46641e8be6/ba299/Tarento-Customer-Story-Modernization-and-Migration-to-Microsoft-Azure-Cloud-for-a-leading-Swedish-Multinational-Engineering-Company-1.png 1200w","sizes":"(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px","aspectRatio":1.9138755980861244}}}}},{"node":{"slug":"a-paradigm-shift-in-productivity-energy-and-functionality-with-nefab-india-pilot-infor-m3-implementation","id":"Ghost__Post__6368eb0e0d9a1e4b3741c4da","title":"NEFAB Infor M3 Implementation - A Paradigm Shift in Productivity, Energy, and Functionality","tags":[{"name":"Case Studies"},{"name":"#industries:transportation"}],"excerpt":"Nefab evaluated InforM3 Cloudsuite as ERP in 2020 and selected India as the pilot site. Infor Nordics were priming the implementation and Tarento has been selected as the Extended Delivery Center (EDC) to assist with the solution development, implementation, and global rollouts.","feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2022/11/Tarento-Sweden-Customer-Case-Study-NEFAB-Logo-1.png","featured":false,"html":"

About the Customer

Nefab saves environmental and financial resources by optimizing supply chains. They do this by innovating together with customers to create smarter packaging and logistics solutions. With more than 70 years of experience combined with competence and presence in more than 30 countries, they offer global solutions and local service worldwide to companies in industries such as Telecom, Datacom, Energy, Automotive, Healthcare, Aerospace, and Lithium Batteries.


Our customer Nefab evaluated InforM3 Cloudsuite as ERP in 2020 and selected India as the pilot site. Infor Nordics were priming the implementation and Tarento has been selected as the Extended Delivery Center (EDC) to assist with the solution development, implementation, and global rollouts.

Solution and Impact

The India pilot was coordinated between Functional Leads, central team and Tarento EDC team. Tarento EDC team was thoroughly involved in the pilot implementation encompassing Solutioning, System Integration Testing, Localization, GAP Analysis & Resolution, UAT Execution, Data Migration, Cutover to Go-live and hyper care.

The pilot implementation started in 2022 Feb and went live on October 03, 2022, including GST Integrations with the Government portal. All the divisions went live with business operations and continued their daily operation in the new system.

We heartily Congratulate Nefab on the successful Infor M3 implementation pilot launch and are grateful to them for trusting our expertise and capabilities. Nefab Global Rollout is expected to commence in November 2022 and is scheduled through 2023 and 2024 for more than 30 countries. Tarento is looking forward to making the global rollout a huge success!

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About the Customer

The customer is a leading global technology provider with a vision to unlock the path to a new wave of precision medicine and data-driven medical research.

A world leader in Laryngectomy Care & having served the needs of more than 100,000 people in more than 70 countries, our client operates digital healthcare platforms to provide better outcomes for patients, clinicians, and society.

The company supports healthcare providers to control care costs and do more with less by enabling real-time clinical delivery and EHR, collaboration and telehealth for improved patient-connect, and precision medicine to deliver a whole new level of personalized care.


With an outlook to drive sales with greater effectiveness and efficiency, there was a need for a system that provided easily consumable insights. However, the existing Data Warehouse and BI setup proved to be inadequate. Key data for insights were missing or incomplete, and front-end was fragmented. Inconsistent, Redundant and Unharmonized Data resulted in incorrect or manual reporting, which in turn led to inefficiencies and poor Business decision making.

Tarento as the partner of choice

Tarento partnered with the customer to implement an integrated data warehouse and Business Intelligence solution.

Tarento’s success with large scale Business Intelligence projects, its capabilities on the Cloud, specifically on MS Azure enterprise cloud, positioned it as the ideal partner.


A key challenge in designing the solution was that the business users employed siloed methods to arrive at KPIs. The finance model inherently does not support the cardinality of data to drill down from the cost center level to its item level details.


Tarento provided an integrated data warehouse and Business Intelligence solution. We enabled the switch from an on-premise data warehouse to MS Azure data warehouse with integrated and harmonized data. Impactful dashboards and reporting solutions were built that help in better analysis and decision making. The implementation involved consolidation of BI tools and techniques into one holistic integrated solution with common tooling & process framework for KPI monitoring. The solutions include:

Outcomes and Impact

Post the rollout of the solution, the company has gained immensely from enhanced reporting and better decision making:

","localFeatureImage":{"childImageSharp":{"fluid":{"src":"/static/0e77421f567ccd3a9707ed844750ad2b/af144/Tarento-Customer-Case-Study-KPI-Monitoring-for-a-Global-Healthcare-Giant-Cover-1.png","srcSet":"/static/0e77421f567ccd3a9707ed844750ad2b/7c0ed/Tarento-Customer-Case-Study-KPI-Monitoring-for-a-Global-Healthcare-Giant-Cover-1.png 200w,\\n/static/0e77421f567ccd3a9707ed844750ad2b/647de/Tarento-Customer-Case-Study-KPI-Monitoring-for-a-Global-Healthcare-Giant-Cover-1.png 400w,\\n/static/0e77421f567ccd3a9707ed844750ad2b/af144/Tarento-Customer-Case-Study-KPI-Monitoring-for-a-Global-Healthcare-Giant-Cover-1.png 800w,\\n/static/0e77421f567ccd3a9707ed844750ad2b/ba299/Tarento-Customer-Case-Study-KPI-Monitoring-for-a-Global-Healthcare-Giant-Cover-1.png 1200w","sizes":"(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px","aspectRatio":1.9138755980861244}}}}},{"node":{"slug":"revolutionizing-team-performance-with-a-team-efficiency-enhancement-tool","id":"Ghost__Post__63500e930d9a1e4b3741c2f2","title":"Revolutionizing Team Performance with a Team Efficiency Enhancement Tool","tags":[{"name":"Case Studies"},{"name":"#industries:education"}],"excerpt":"Built on a methodology that has been proven to increase team performance by up to 2x, know how we revamped and built a web platform to digitalize the collective intelligence model to make it accessible to more teams and businesses.","feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2022/10/Tarento-Sweden-Customer-Case-Study-CIBoost-Logo-1.png","featured":false,"html":"

About the Customer

Influence AB is a Swedish management consulting firm powered by Collective Intelligence, a unique model developed by the Collective Intelligence Research Team at the Stockholm School of Economics. Collective Intelligence is an evidence-based approach to sharing and integrating knowledge using self-navigation and reflection to achieve commonly defined goals.


The consulting company wanted to revamp and build a web platform (CIBoost) to digitalize the collective intelligence model to make it accessible to more teams and businesses.  The digital solution was envisioned to:

Tarento as the partner of choice

As a leader in providing digital solutions from concept to deployment and with its vast experience in helping Nordic customers, Tarento was an obvious choice as the implementation partner.


Designing a collective intelligence system required several key challenges to be overcome:  


Tarento’s solution approach involved deploying its pivotal LEAD framework, a multi-phase exercise which brings Lean & Design Thinking together in an Agile framework to reduce the inherent risks in successfully bringing innovative products to market.

After 6 weeks of high intensity LEAD sprint followed by a continuous discovery process with audits & interviews, Tarento was able to conceptualize a holistic solution that tackled all scenarios of people, product & solution. Key aspects of this phase included:

By taking a human-centric approach, we created tech-business-design oriented actionable artifacts for rapid enablement of development teams.

Outcomes and Impact

The clarity achieved as a result of LEAD helped development teams quickly take up the implementation of the recommendation made in the roadmap. The team was able to successfully roll out:

","localFeatureImage":{"childImageSharp":{"fluid":{"src":"/static/83ecdd5364e6bca9ae064a82bc2453be/af144/Tarento-Sweden-Customer-Case-Study-CIBoost-Logo-1.png","srcSet":"/static/83ecdd5364e6bca9ae064a82bc2453be/7c0ed/Tarento-Sweden-Customer-Case-Study-CIBoost-Logo-1.png 200w,\\n/static/83ecdd5364e6bca9ae064a82bc2453be/647de/Tarento-Sweden-Customer-Case-Study-CIBoost-Logo-1.png 400w,\\n/static/83ecdd5364e6bca9ae064a82bc2453be/af144/Tarento-Sweden-Customer-Case-Study-CIBoost-Logo-1.png 800w,\\n/static/83ecdd5364e6bca9ae064a82bc2453be/ba299/Tarento-Sweden-Customer-Case-Study-CIBoost-Logo-1.png 1200w","sizes":"(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px","aspectRatio":1.9138755980861244}}}}},{"node":{"slug":"digitalization-of-a-sustainable-lifestyle-solution-for-b2c","id":"Ghost__Post__6321c6d10d9a1e4b3741c272","title":"Accelerating Adoption of Sustainable Lifestyle Practices through Digital Transformation","tags":[{"name":"Case Studies"},{"name":"#industries:healthcare"}],"excerpt":"With our pivotal LEAD Sprint, a multi-phase exercise which brings Lean & Design Thinking together in an Agile framework, learn how Tarento digitalized SustainChange\'s approach and built a platform to assist their users and customers (business) in embracing sustainable lifestyle practices.","feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2022/09/Tarento-Sweden-Customer-Case-Study-SustainChange-Logo-1.svg","featured":false,"html":"

About the Customer

SustainChange is a fast-growing company from Stockholm who are into sustainable lifestyle and proactive occupational health. With a digital change platform and proactive health services, the company addresses areas such as work environment, mental well-being, absence management, conflicts and inefficiencies etc. Individuals and teams are guided to true change that endures in the long run. The net effect is a measurable improved well-being, improved cognitive abilities and increased productivity for everyone in the organization.


SustainChange through their years of experience and research had established a model for individuals and companies to adopt sustainable practices for everyday life, but it was a manual process. The company wanted to create a platform to digitalize their unique process/model to cater to both the B2C market and the B2B market.

Tarento as the partner of choice

As a leader in providing digital solutions from concept to deployment and with its vast experience in helping Nordic customers, Tarento was an obvious choice as the implementation partner.


The challenge was to design an end-to-end solution that:  


Tarento’s solution approach involved deploying its pivotal LEAD framework, a multi-phase exercise which brings Lean & Design Thinking together in an Agile framework to reduce the inherent risks in successfully bringing innovative products to market.

After 6 weeks of high intensity LEAD sprint followed by a continuous discovery process with audits & interviews, Tarento was able to conceptualize a holistic solution that tackled all scenarios of people, product & solution. Key aspects of this phase included:

By immersing ourselves into the problem statement as well as potential solutions, we created tech-business-design oriented actionable artifacts for rapid enablement of development teams.

Outcomes and Impact

The clarity achieved as a direct result of LEAD helped development teams quickly take up the implementation to deliver quick releases of:

","localFeatureImage":{"childImageSharp":null}}},{"node":{"slug":"responsive-web-platform-for-a-leading-swedish-lift-manufacturer","id":"Ghost__Post__63218d0f0d9a1e4b3741c234","title":"Responsive Web Platform for a Leading Swedish Lift Manufacturer","tags":[{"name":"Case Studies"},{"name":"#industries:retail"}],"excerpt":"As a leader in providing digital solutions from concept to deployment and with its vast experience in helping Nordic customers, know how Tarento designed a digital portal to remotely train and provide on the job support to Artico’s installation engineers anytime and anywhere. ","feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2022/09/Tarento-Sweden-Customer-Case-Study-Aritco-Logo-1.svg","featured":false,"html":"

About the Customer

Aritco is an award-winning manufacturer of platform and residential lifts from Sweden. The company manufactures over 4,000 elevators per year, that are sold in 40 different countries through more than 170 distributors.


The lift manufacturer’s business operations were plagued by delayed installation and repairs, customer complaints, ad hoc and manual processes in action. To add to the challenge, there was an overall lack of digitalization despite being a high-tech brand. Aritco wanted to deploy a digital platform that can bring its technical operators from both in-house and distributor ecosystems together for training, certification and remote installation support.

Tarento as the partner of choice

As a leader in providing digital solutions from concept to deployment and with its vast experience in helping Nordic customers, Tarento was an obvious choice as the implementation partner.


With the inherent operational challenges, the tough task was to design a digital solution that could remove the inefficiencies, gaps and pain points rapidly. Moreover, the solution had to facilitate a uniform process and provide a single digital platform for lift installation and maintenance.


Tarento’s solution approach involved deploying its pivotal LEAD framework, a multi-phase exercise which brings Lean & Design Thinking together in an Agile framework to reduce the inherent risks in successfully bringing innovative products to market.

After 4 weeks of high intensity LEAD sprint followed by a continuous discovery process with audits & interviews, Tarento was able to conceptualize a holistic solution that tackled all scenarios of people, product & solution. Key aspects of this phase included:

By immersing ourselves into the problem statement as well as potential solutions, we created tech-business-design oriented actionable artifacts for rapid enablement of development teams.

Outcomes and Impact

The clarity achieved as a direct result of LEAD helped development teams quickly take up the implementation to deliver a responsive web platform for target users in about 4 months. Some key processes that were digitalized include:

","localFeatureImage":{"childImageSharp":null}}},{"node":{"slug":"open-source-e-learning-platform-for-maternity-healthcare","id":"Ghost__Post__630c88b10d9a1e4b3741c15d","title":"Open Source E-learning Platform for Maternity Healthcare","tags":[{"name":"Case Studies"},{"name":"#industries:healthcare"}],"excerpt":"An initiative by Nilekani Philanthropies with a focus on implementing high-quality maternity care. To educate stakeholders of midwifery and maternity care across the country, know how Tarento leveraged its expertise with Sunbird to build a highly scalable training platform. ","feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2022/08/Tarento-Customer-Story-Aastrika-Foundation-logo-1.png","featured":false,"html":"

About the Customer

Aastrika foundation is an initiative by Nilekani Philanthropies with focus on implementing high quality maternity care. The foundation runs an education platform ‘Aastrika Sphere’ with the objective of educating stakeholders of midwifery and maternity care. The platform hosts content from partners like UNFPA, Maternity Foundation, Fernandez Foundation , White Ribbon Alliance and many more. Doctors, Nurses, midwives and ASHA are the prime beneficiary of this platform.


Tarento worked as a technology partner with Aastrika Foundation. Tarento’s expertise with Sunbird allowed us to leverage it to develop solutions for country scale initiatives. This has been already demonstrated with PoC of the UN Foundation for Smart Africa using the same stack.

Tarento as the partner of choice

Aastrika Foundation partnered with Tarento for technology development and maintenance of their education platform Aastrika Sphere. Tarento provided the development skills and expertise with the sunbird platform to build and modify it as per the foundation’s needs.

Tarento implemented Sunbird and helped the foundation launch its initial courses during the pandemic. The journey still continues as the team learns from Foundation’s field work to improve platform adoption across the country.


Aastrika foundation’s use case was to leverage open source technology to build a highly scalable platform to support the foundation training initiative - Aastrika Sphere. The concept was evolving with the team still working on the best solution set to attract partners and users. The development scope was solution oriented and for the initial 12 months it was all about quick solutions and experimentations.

As the platform grew, partners came up with a set of requirements from the platform. In addition to this, with time, user segments shifted across different spectrum adding to the complexity of the project.


Aastrika Foundation understood the task and complexity of the project and had great trust in Tarento on its execution capabilities. While the foundation’s team interacted with partners and users to create a feedback and priority mechanism, Tarento worked on understanding the sunbird platform to find solutions that create continuous value for stakeholders.

Some of the quick tour-arounds have been implementation of validated credentialing for certificates, Custom authentication mechanism and Integration of Fusion UI with headless Sunbird. The teams continue to work together in enhancing the experience for all users of the platform. The team started with 3 people and has grown to over 10 people.


The foundation has over 10 partners on the platform with over 7000 users having taken training on the platform in the past 18 months. The platform supports continuing education credits of the nursing council and has been used by doctors, nurses, midwives and asha workers all over the country. The foundation and Tarento created a build measure loop to continuously deliver updates to the platform and improve user experience.


Team implemented a build measure learn loop with Sprints to deliver the project faster with a nation wide social impact.

","localFeatureImage":{"childImageSharp":{"fluid":{"src":"/static/0c1e93ee00df86aad13968598697037f/af144/Tarento-Customer-Story-Aastrika-Foundation-logo-1.png","srcSet":"/static/0c1e93ee00df86aad13968598697037f/7c0ed/Tarento-Customer-Story-Aastrika-Foundation-logo-1.png 200w,\\n/static/0c1e93ee00df86aad13968598697037f/647de/Tarento-Customer-Story-Aastrika-Foundation-logo-1.png 400w,\\n/static/0c1e93ee00df86aad13968598697037f/af144/Tarento-Customer-Story-Aastrika-Foundation-logo-1.png 800w,\\n/static/0c1e93ee00df86aad13968598697037f/ba299/Tarento-Customer-Story-Aastrika-Foundation-logo-1.png 1200w","sizes":"(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px","aspectRatio":1.9138755980861244}}}}},{"node":{"slug":"business-intelligence-and-data-warehousing-solutions-for-an-australian-engineering-conglomerate","id":"Ghost__Post__62ea7a160d9a1e4b3741c0fd","title":"Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing Solutions for an Australian Engineering Conglomerate","tags":[{"name":"Case Studies"},{"name":"#industries:retail"}],"excerpt":"Riding on our vast experience across Business Intelligence and Data Analytics solutions, expertise on SAP & Microsoft enterprise stacks & a structured approach to the engagement, know how we supported the customer with their existing data warehousing landscape & implemented new dashboards & reports.","feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2022/11/Tarento-Customer-Story-Business-Intelligence-and-Data-Warehousing-Solutions-for-an-Australian-Engineering-Conglomerate-1.png","featured":false,"html":"

About the Customer

Our client is an Australian engineering solutions provider, operating in the electrical, information technology, semiconductor, and power utility industries. The engineering group offers a comprehensive range of quality components, consumables, tools, testing and measurement services, which are all certified to relevant local Australian standards.


With a large portfolio of 8 companies under its ambit, each an industry leader in its segment, data management, analytics and reporting were vital to decision making. As part of its Application Lifecycle Management Services, the company looked to address the growing requirements for a robust decision support system.

Tarento as the partner of choice

The engineering group sought expertise from Tarento to support the existing data warehousing landscape and implement new dashboards and reports. Riding on its vast experience across Business Intelligence and Data Analytics solutioning, expertise on SAP and Microsoft enterprise stacks and a structured approach to the engagement, Tarento emerged as the partner of choice for ALM services.


The engineering group faced many challenges in moving to a data-driven decision support system.


The Tarento team comprising of Data Engineers and Data Analysts with the support from Data Architects and Project Manager adopted a holistic approach to providing the Application Life Mangament (ALM) services:

Support Existing Landscape

Build new systems for enhanced decision making:

Outcomes and Impact

Tarento was able to successfully implement an Integrated System while simultaneously providing support to existing data warehouses, enabling continuous improvement and generating relevant reports for enhanced strategic decision making.

","localFeatureImage":{"childImageSharp":{"fluid":{"src":"/static/2d1a105b49b7457d3b562672a254cc1c/af144/Tarento-Customer-Story-Business-Intelligence-and-Data-Warehousing-Solutions-for-an-Australian-Engineering-Conglomerate-1.png","srcSet":"/static/2d1a105b49b7457d3b562672a254cc1c/7c0ed/Tarento-Customer-Story-Business-Intelligence-and-Data-Warehousing-Solutions-for-an-Australian-Engineering-Conglomerate-1.png 200w,\\n/static/2d1a105b49b7457d3b562672a254cc1c/647de/Tarento-Customer-Story-Business-Intelligence-and-Data-Warehousing-Solutions-for-an-Australian-Engineering-Conglomerate-1.png 400w,\\n/static/2d1a105b49b7457d3b562672a254cc1c/af144/Tarento-Customer-Story-Business-Intelligence-and-Data-Warehousing-Solutions-for-an-Australian-Engineering-Conglomerate-1.png 800w,\\n/static/2d1a105b49b7457d3b562672a254cc1c/ba299/Tarento-Customer-Story-Business-Intelligence-and-Data-Warehousing-Solutions-for-an-Australian-Engineering-Conglomerate-1.png 1200w","sizes":"(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px","aspectRatio":1.9138755980861244}}}}},{"node":{"slug":"transforming-user-experience-to-improving-user-adoption-for-uidais-maadhaar-app","id":"Ghost__Post__62e1123d0d9a1e4b3741c09e","title":"Transforming User Experience to Improving User Adoption for UIDAI’s mAadhaar App","tags":[{"name":"Portfolio"},{"name":"Case Studies"},{"name":"#industries:governance"}],"excerpt":"Equipped with the experience of delivering large digital transformation programs and the expertise to think through digital user journeys at scale, Tarento partnered with UIDAI to improve the user experience, rating of the mAadhaar app in a relatively short time frame and accelerate adoption.\\n","feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2022/07/Tarento-Customer-Story-Digital-India-Aadhaar-logo-1.png","featured":true,"html":"

About the Customer

UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India) is the world’s largest biometric program run by Govt of India. World Bank Chief Economist Paul Romer once described Aadhaar as \\"the most sophisticated ID programme in the world\\". Mandatory to avail several of the government’s services, UIDAI’s Aadhaar is a 12-digit individual identification number issued that serves as a proof of identity and address, anywhere in India.


mAadhaar is the official mobile application developed by the UIDAI to provide an interface to Aadhaar Number Holders to carry their demographic information viz. Name, Date of Birth, Gender and Address along with photograph as linked with their Aadhaar Number in smart phones. However the mAadhaar mobile application saw poor adoption and required a rethink on user engagement, experience and overall usability.

Tarento as the partner of choice

Equipped with the experience of delivering large digital transformation programs and the expertise to think through digital user journeys at scale, Tarento partnered with UIDAI to improve the user experience, rating of the app from a 2+ rating to a 4+ rating in a relatively short time frame and accelerate adoption.


The mAadhaar app was faced with several challenges.


Tarento’s solution approach involved immersing ourselves into both the problem statement as well as the potential solution options. Tarento deployed its pivotal LEAD framework, a multi-phase exercise which brings Lean & Design Thinking together in an Agile framework to reduce the inherent risks in successfully bringing innovative products to market.

After 4 weeks of high intensity workshops, audits & interviews, that covered experience desirability, business viability and technology feasibility, Tarento was able to conceptualize a holistic solution that tackled all scenarios of people, product & process to improve ratings and drive adoption.

The clarity in approach for the mAadhaar team was a direct result of LEAD helping the development teams to quickly take up the implementation of the recommendations made in the roadmap. By taking a human-centric approach, we created tech-business-design oriented actionable artifacts for rapid enablement of development teams.

Outcomes and Impact

Post implementation of the LEAD roadmap, the app for the first time reached 4+ rating and in-app engagement and adoption rose to levels. UIDAI was finally able to put the mAadhaar app on the path to success, subsequently increasing adoption and taking the in-app engagement to the next level.

","localFeatureImage":{"childImageSharp":{"fluid":{"src":"/static/f1f3f010f51354e19d9918fdf7c6eb84/af144/Tarento-Customer-Story-Digital-India-Aadhaar-logo-1.png","srcSet":"/static/f1f3f010f51354e19d9918fdf7c6eb84/7c0ed/Tarento-Customer-Story-Digital-India-Aadhaar-logo-1.png 200w,\\n/static/f1f3f010f51354e19d9918fdf7c6eb84/647de/Tarento-Customer-Story-Digital-India-Aadhaar-logo-1.png 400w,\\n/static/f1f3f010f51354e19d9918fdf7c6eb84/af144/Tarento-Customer-Story-Digital-India-Aadhaar-logo-1.png 800w,\\n/static/f1f3f010f51354e19d9918fdf7c6eb84/ba299/Tarento-Customer-Story-Digital-India-Aadhaar-logo-1.png 1200w","sizes":"(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px","aspectRatio":1.9138755980861244}}}}},{"node":{"slug":"tarento-joins-ekstep-to-build-the-pillar-for-national-language-translation-mission-via-ulca-platform","id":"Ghost__Post__62e0e95a0d9a1e4b3741c04e","title":"Tarento joins Ekstep to build the pillar for National Language Translation Mission via ULCA platform","tags":[{"name":"Portfolio"},{"name":"Case Studies"},{"name":"#industries:governance"}],"excerpt":"India required a platform that would focus on building AI-based language technology solutions & creating multilingual datasets to enable digital services in Indian languages. NLTM or Bhashini initiative from MeiTY, EkStep partnered with Tarento for building one of its critical components, ULCA.","feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2022/07/Tarento-Customer-Story-Digital-India-Bhashini-logo-5.png","featured":true,"html":"

About the Customer

EkStep Foundation (\\"EkStep\\"​) is a non-for-profit foundation that aims to extend learning opportunities to millions of Indian children through a collaborative, universal platform that facilitates creation and consumption of educational content. EkStep was founded by Nandan Nilekani, Rohini Nilekani and Shankar Maruwada in collaboration with the leadership team that was instrumental in developing the Aadhaar project.


India required a platform, which will focus on building AI-based language technology solutions, along with the creation of multilingual datasets for enabling the digital services in Indian languages. To bootstrap this effort, NLTM (National Language Translation Mission) or Bhashini initiative from MeiTY (Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology), EkStep partnered with Tarento for building one of its critical components, ULCA(Universal Language Contribution API). Tarento was able to build this open scalable data platform, to support the largest collection of Indian language datasets and models.

Tarento as the partner of choice

Tarento, who had already partnered with EkStep, in developing the Anuvaad platform (legal document translation system for various judicial government bodies), was a natural choice for the NLTM (National Language Translation Mission) initiative as well. EkStep had the vision to build the largest corpus and the platform for hosting these datasets and ML models in Indic languages. EkStep, being a NPO, typically partners with technology entities to fulfill their vision.


The major challenges involve collection of datasets in all the 22 indian languages (some of them fall under low resource languages) across various domains, which can be achieved only by writing custom crawlers for various sources. The platform also needed universal API definitions to interact with other hosted systems for datasets/models submission, inference, search, download etc.

Non-technically, another bigger challenge was to encourage other teams/entities/companies/institutions to make their models/datasets in a compliant format and submit them to this new platform.


Building the platform:

The Tarento team got into action by coming up with the right architecture which is scalable, reliable and also platform agnostic. Various POCs were done as part of it to come up with the best selection of open-source technologies. The APIs were created after discussions with various stakeholders.

Contribution from multiple talents and teams:

The true success of the research teams as part of the Bhashini initiative is being measured by how many models/datasets they can make it ULCA compliant. As part of this, Tarento team had coordinated with various teams, including and not limited to various IITs, IIITs, IISc, CDAC, AI4 Bharat etc. This made sure that all the Indic datasets and models were available in a single place with proper attribution & sanity.

Building datasets and models:

Being the early contributors of ULCA, the internal team worked on various data curation and models and ported them successfully within a short period of time. The Tarento team was also instrumental in creating a few benchmark datasets as part of the evaluation process of the models.

Technologies Involved:

Apache Kafka, MongoDb, Apache Druid, Java, Python, Redis, React JS, OpenAPI, Jenkins, Groovy, CSS, HTML, Shell, Azure, AWS, Zuul and CDN


Numerous datasets, models and metrics were ready for users to get handy access. Here is the complete account:


Parallel Corpus: ~215 million pairs across 12 Indic languages, 16 domains

OCR Corpus: ~2.5 million images across 12 Indic languages, 4 domains

ASR Corpus: ~9800 hours across 14 Indic languages, 5 domains

TTS Corpus: ~510 hours (studio quality audio) across 14 Indic languages, 1 domain

ASR Unlabeled Corpus: ~14k hrs across 23 Indic languages, 5 domains

Transliteration Corpus: ~6 million across 19 Indic languages


Translation: 155 models across Indic combinations

ASR: 38 models across 19 Indic languages

TTS: 20 models across 12 Indic languages

OCR: 7 models across 7 Indic languages

Transliteration: 21 models across 21 Indic languages

Benchmark Datasets:

Translation: 56 datasets across 15 Indic languages, 3 domains, 5 contributors

ASR: 12 datasets across 7 Indic languages, 1 domain, 3 contributors

Transliteration: 67 datasets across 20 Indic languages, 1 domain, 2 contributors

OCR: (WIP) 23 datasets across 23 Indic languages, 1 domain, 1 contributor


Translation: 5 (bleu, meteor, ribes, gleu, bert)

ASR: 2 (wer, cer)

OCR: 2 (wer, cer)

Transliteration: 3 (cer, top-1 accuracy, top-5 accuracy)

And the list would keep growing!


Premier Repository of Datasets & Models:

When Bhashini was launched, ULCA had achieved its mission, by hosting the largest collection of Indic datasets and models of various tasks.

Easy Integration with various other systems:

The design of ULCA has enabled various other related eco-systems to interact in a smoother way. Ex : BashaDhaan, a crowdsourcing dataset contribution system can now be integrated, to push the output to ULCA.

Catalyzing Entrepreneurship:

A Bhashini Platform will make Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) resources available to MSMEs, Start-ups and Individual Innovators in the public domain.

Multi-linguality presents a major opportunity to start-ups for developing innovative solutions and products that can cater to all Indian citizens irrespective of the language they know.

Breaking the Language Barrier:

Digital India BHASHINI mission aims to empower Indian citizens by connecting them to the Digital Initiatives of the country in their own language thereby leading to digital inclusion.

Promoting Digital Government:

The Bhashini platform is interoperable and will catalyze the entire Digital Ecosystem. It is a giant step to realize the goal of Digital Government.

Creating Ecosystem for Products in Local Languages:

Mission Digital India Bhashini will create and nurture an ecosystem involving Central/State government agencies and start-ups, working together to develop and deploy innovative products and services in Indian languages.

Increased Digital Content in Indian Languages:

Mission Digital India Bhashini also aims to increase the content in Indian languages on the Internet substantially in the domains of public interest, particularly, governance-and-policy, science & technology, etc.

This will encourage citizens to use the Internet in their own language.


As part of the Bhashini initiative, more than 10 teams have contributed to ULCA either with their datasets or models. The next and final success criteria would be the usage of the ULCA platform to make the useful content available in all the Indian official languages by various startups/entities/etc.

With the ULCA/Bhashini platform, the foundation for the NLP in Indic languages is set. Any researcher community can come to Bhashini platform to get the datasets required to train their models and also compete with other models via Benchmarking and Leaderboards. This can be across any industry and domain (Educational, Judicial, Medical, Entertainment, etc).

","localFeatureImage":{"childImageSharp":{"fluid":{"src":"/static/f1b3f24fc0bbad73a5383020d54c3678/af144/Tarento-Customer-Story-Digital-India-Bhashini-logo-5.png","srcSet":"/static/f1b3f24fc0bbad73a5383020d54c3678/7c0ed/Tarento-Customer-Story-Digital-India-Bhashini-logo-5.png 200w,\\n/static/f1b3f24fc0bbad73a5383020d54c3678/647de/Tarento-Customer-Story-Digital-India-Bhashini-logo-5.png 400w,\\n/static/f1b3f24fc0bbad73a5383020d54c3678/af144/Tarento-Customer-Story-Digital-India-Bhashini-logo-5.png 800w,\\n/static/f1b3f24fc0bbad73a5383020d54c3678/ba299/Tarento-Customer-Story-Digital-India-Bhashini-logo-5.png 1200w","sizes":"(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px","aspectRatio":1.9138755980861244}}}}},{"node":{"slug":"tarento-helps-martin-servera-close-an-estimated-sek-85million-partnership-deal-with-iver","id":"Ghost__Post__62acbbf40d9a1e4b3741bf76","title":"Tarento helps Martin & Servera close an estimated SEK 85million partnership deal with Iver","tags":[{"name":"Portfolio"},{"name":"Case Studies"},{"name":"#industries:retail"}],"excerpt":"Tarento as a trusted advisor, helped Martin & Servera develop a new sourcing strategy for their infrastructure operations, the internal organization structure to support it, and assisted in choosing the best infrastructure partner for their needs.","feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2022/06/Tarento-Customer-Story-Martin-Servera-Sweden-1.png","featured":false,"html":"

The Martin & Servera group, Sweden\'s leading wholesaler for restaurants and commercial kitchens, has chosen Iver Sverige as its new IT partner! We congratulate both Iver and Martin & Servera on this partnership, and we wish them a long and successful collaboration.

Tarento as a trusted advisor, helped Martin & Servera develop a new sourcing strategy for their infrastructure operations, the internal organization structure to support it, and assisted in choosing the best infrastructure partner for their needs.

Iver eventually won a five-year contract worth an estimated SEK 85 million to deliver a complete infrastructure solution based on its reference architecture, where security and automation are the most important pillars.

We wish both partners success in Martin Servera\'s continued digital transformation journey!

Read the official press release here.

","localFeatureImage":{"childImageSharp":{"fluid":{"src":"/static/dfd814500275c0e573c373d64464b70a/af144/Tarento-Customer-Story-Martin-Servera-Sweden-1.png","srcSet":"/static/dfd814500275c0e573c373d64464b70a/7c0ed/Tarento-Customer-Story-Martin-Servera-Sweden-1.png 200w,\\n/static/dfd814500275c0e573c373d64464b70a/647de/Tarento-Customer-Story-Martin-Servera-Sweden-1.png 400w,\\n/static/dfd814500275c0e573c373d64464b70a/af144/Tarento-Customer-Story-Martin-Servera-Sweden-1.png 800w,\\n/static/dfd814500275c0e573c373d64464b70a/ba299/Tarento-Customer-Story-Martin-Servera-Sweden-1.png 1200w","sizes":"(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px","aspectRatio":1.9138755980861244}}}}},{"node":{"slug":"paradiset-democratising-healthy-eating","id":"Ghost__Post__62a730ef0d9a1e4b3741bf44","title":"Paradiset: Democratising Healthy Eating","tags":[{"name":"Portfolio"},{"name":"Case Studies"},{"name":"#industries:healthcare"}],"excerpt":"2200 Startup Applicants. 120 Countries. And our customer, Paradiset, has been selected as one of the top 20 companies of the world\'s most promising impactful startups for the prestigious Norrsken Impact Accelerator program 2022!","feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2022/06/Tarento-Customer-Story-Sweden-Paradiset-Democratising-Healthy-Eating-logo-2.png","featured":true,"html":"

2200 startup applicants. 120 countries.

Why? To use the power of entrepreneurship to solve some of the greatest challenges facing our planet today, such as poverty, disease, food waste, climate change, pollution, healthcare & mental illness.

And our customer, Paradiset, has been selected as one of the top 20 companies of the world\'s most promising impactful startups for the prestigious #NorrskenImpactAccelerator program this year among 2200 startup applicants from 120 countries.

Norrsken Impact Accelerator brings together a global collective of entrepreneurs and investors in Stockholm, Sweden. We are glad and super proud that Paradiset has made it to the final list and to be selected for such a prestigious accelerator program.

With a mission to democratise healthy eating to help people live longer and better, Paradiset intends to make it easy for people to make informed choices when shopping for food. Eating food that is good for one shouldn\'t be complicated, but it is. Paradiset is working with all its effort to make healthy eating easy, convenient, tasty and deeply personalised.

As a strategic technology partner, Tarento would be helping Paradiset in building its smart digital platform for food with a built-in marketplace. We look forward to helping them expedite this digital journey through cutting edge technology, design and innovation support.

Kudos to the entire Paradiset team for achieving yet another step to democratise healthy eating and for giving us an opportunity to create a greater impact with them for a better tomorrow.

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Your next medical prescription could be a therapeutic game!

Ever wondered about the impact of gaming on Mental Health?

Do you know how gaming can help cope with anxiety disorders and mental health issues?

Our customer, Wise Therapeutics, a new-age startup in healthcare, which StartUp Health backed in 2021, uses breakthrough neuro-scientific research to improve mental health through casual, accessible mobile games.

As a technology partner, Tarento is proud to help Wise\'s mission to have a powerful, positive impact on the global mental health crisis. Tarento helped Wise build their first product, Personal Zen, which is available as a wellness benefit for employers, health plans, and providers to support the current need for more accessible mental health offerings.

Watch Wise Therapeutics Co-Founder & CEO Raj Amin speak with StartUp Health Editor in Chief, Logan Plaster, about how Wise is pursuing FDA clearance for its pipeline of new game based therapeutic products.

Wise Therapeutics: Creating a Positive Impact on Global Mental Health Crisis

Kudos to the entire Wise team for bringing therapeutic gaming to the forefront of mental health care and for giving patients an easier way to engage with mental health.

","localFeatureImage":{"childImageSharp":{"fluid":{"src":"/static/f7b5165318f99e1b886ada8fee2659fa/af144/Tarento-Customer-Story-USA-Wise-Therapeutics-logo-1.png","srcSet":"/static/f7b5165318f99e1b886ada8fee2659fa/7c0ed/Tarento-Customer-Story-USA-Wise-Therapeutics-logo-1.png 200w,\\n/static/f7b5165318f99e1b886ada8fee2659fa/647de/Tarento-Customer-Story-USA-Wise-Therapeutics-logo-1.png 400w,\\n/static/f7b5165318f99e1b886ada8fee2659fa/af144/Tarento-Customer-Story-USA-Wise-Therapeutics-logo-1.png 800w,\\n/static/f7b5165318f99e1b886ada8fee2659fa/ba299/Tarento-Customer-Story-USA-Wise-Therapeutics-logo-1.png 1200w","sizes":"(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px","aspectRatio":1.9138755980861244}}}}},{"node":{"slug":"rabble-building-a-first-of-its-kind-cashback-experience","id":"Ghost__Post__627e0d2f0d9a1e4b3741be1f","title":"Rabble: Building a first of its kind Cashback Experience","tags":[{"name":"Portfolio"},{"name":"Case Studies"},{"name":"#industries:fintech"}],"excerpt":"Rabble launched its first app for mobile coupons almost 12 years ago and has attracted over 800,000 members in Sweden since then. The company has now taken an innovative step to introduce cashback for groceries. ","feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2022/05/social_logo_rabble-4.png","featured":false,"html":"

Rabble launched its first app for mobile coupons almost 12 years ago and has attracted over 800,000 members in Sweden since then. The company has now taken an innovative step to introduce cashback for groceries. Not only does it give the end consumers easy steps to get cashback on buying their favourite brands, it also gives a possibility for the brands to interact and reward their loyal customers in new and innovative ways.

A true testimony to the idea, the launch on Valentine’s day 2022 received an immense response with thousands of consumers availing the cashback services within a week, with a constant demand to grow the offers. In a survey ran within the week of the launch, an overwhelming majority responded saying that they enjoyed the cashback feature more than traditional coupons.

A fantastic job from all of you guys on the team, congratulations! A promising start to a long term partnership. Keep up the great attitude and work, you rock!\\"

- Robert Olkinuora, CEO Rabble

We at Tarento are truly humbled to be part of the team who architected and developed the IT platform to support this journey. It\'s been a pleasure to work with such a passionate and innovative team at Rabble and we are looking forward to the exciting future ahead.

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About The Customer

Anuvaad is a project that has been conceptualized as a general purpose, open-domain translation module for Indic languages. The Indian Constitution lists 22 official languages with 6,000-plus dialects and 55-plus languages with 1 million-plus speakers. Built to bridge the gap of translation and policy action, it acts as an accelerator for knowledge translation.

The knowledge translation in turn not just aids dissemination of the existing evidence base, but also drives outcomes scalable and sustainable in the local socio-cultural context. The project aspires to have high quality (Neural Machine Translation) NMT models for all major Indian languages. It is open sourced under the MIT license and is funded by EkStep foundation.


Project Anuvaad has assisted the Honorable Supreme Court of India to take a step forward in providing translated copies of judgments. Reducing the time and effort to obtain high quality translations to and from Indian languages can significantly catalyze the decision making/delivery process.

Tarento as the partner of choice

Tarento’s capabilities with OCR technology and expertise in AI and NMT models played a significant hand in positioning it as a reliable solution provider.


The Indian Constitution lists 22 official languages with 6,000-plus dialects and 55-plus languages with 1 million-plus speakers. More than 20000 domain-specific documents were to be digitized and then accurately translated. This required a solution that was uncompromising on both accuracy and scale.


Tarento provided a tool which enables high quality and accurate translations for Indic languages using Scalable ML based Language Solution. This is a fully automated system designed for quick model testing.

We created an end-to-end translation pipeline and toolchains to achieve state-of-the-art translation quality for the selected domain.

Technologies Involved

Outcomes and Impact

Our model provides highly accurate Domain specific digitization ,translations, and shows qualitative and quantitative edge over Google’s Translate for judicial domain data due to the additional parallel corpus. It shows comparable performance to Google Translate for general sentences.

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About The Customer

The customer, established in 2017, is an Indian electric two-wheeler manufacturer, cab service aggregator and electric car lessor, based in Bangalore. With an aim to improve the convenience of electric vehicles and make them more affordable to a wide range of people, the company is redefining the benchmarks for features, quality, comfort, and sustainability. The brand is today present in multiple Indian cities, offering hassle-free ridesharing options.


The company aims to reduce emission and fuel dependency of its cabs, and shift to mass electric mobility. The company’s pilot program was launched in Nagpur in May 2017 by setting up charging stations across the city and procuring electric cabs, e-buses, and e-rickshaws from OEMpartners. The value chain for the shift comprises of vehicle and battery manufacturers, cities, driver-partners, and the mobility ecosystem.

The company was looking for solution to resolve the complexity of tracking inventory and stick details across its supply chain.

Tarento as the partner of choice

Tarento partnered with the customer to implement SAP Analytics Cloud, a cloud-based data visualization tool from SAP.

Tarento is a trusted SAP implementation partner with extensive experience in rolling out tailored solutions in the manufacturing as well as Automotive technology space. Tarento’s successes with large scale Business Intelligence projects, its capabilities on the SAP stack and enterprise cloud, positioned it as the ideal partner.


Customer had difficulty in tracking Inventory, particularly key data points such as stock-in-transit at Sales delivery centers and aging data of stock in transit and Inventory. Decision making was consequently inhibited and often delayed due to unavailability of data. This had a significant impact on the operational efficiency of the business.


Tarento implemented SAP Analytics Cloud. SAP Analytics Cloud, commonly referred to as SAC, is the cloud data visualization tool from SAP and combines the following functionalities in a single tool:

Tarento Integrated business database to cloud to provide live data with different key measures for analysis and decision making. The SAC solution provided actionable insights on real-time Inventory movement on a customized dashboard. The dashboard access and provided visualization for more than 12 reports on stock, in-transit , aging and customer billing details.

Outcomes and Impact

Now that all the data is provided in the dashboard as live data with different key measures, It helps the company in tracking and tracing materials through a single window.

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About the Customer

The customer is an Icelandic bank that traces it roots back to 1930. The bank operates in the Greater Reykjavík area as well as in the largest urban areas around the country. In 2016 the bank had the third largest market share of the current accounts in Iceland (30%). The Bank has 21 branches all over the country and over 100,000 customers.


The Bank handles all its integration using Microsoft BizTalk Server. There are quite a few BizTalk Applications with hundreds of endpoints. BizTalk Interfaces connect to 50+ external systems using wcf service, MQ, MSMQ, SAP, FILE, IDOC, SQL, FTP, SFTP and Oracle endpoints. The BizTalk layer connects to 3rd Party applications like Swift, Agresso, Calypso, Sopra and credit info Systems etc. Besides, it can handle complex integration in areas like Credit and Debit Payments, Loans, Notifications like SMS, Email etc.

The Bank was looking to migrate the Application Integration Solution on Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006R2 to BizTalk 2016 and Azure Cloud.

Tarento as the partner of choice

Tarento partnered with the customer to implement the migration to BizTalk 2016 and Azure Cloud.

Tarento is a trusted Microsoft implementation partner with extensive experience in helping customers in the Financial Services space move to the cloud. Tarento’s successes with large scale Cloudification projects, its capabilities on the Microsoft stack and enterprise cloud, positioned it as the ideal partner.


The Bank faced several roadblocks to moving to a highly reliable BizTalk 2016 Environment:


Tarento implemented a holistic solution for the migration exercise. We migrated EAI and B2B solutions from Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006R2 to BizTalk 2016 and Azure Cloud.

Tarento successfully moved the Applications and data to the target new environment in groups without any down time. We had also set up 24*7 support model and Alert monitoring using SCOM.


All EAI and B2B Integration Solution were successfully migrated from Microsoft BizTalk 2006R2 to BizTalk 2016 / Azure.

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About the Customer

The Customer is a fashion powerhouse and a global leader in apparel manufacturing. A denim pioneer and a trailblazer in advanced materials, the company is also focused on transforming water management, manufacturing wearable technology, and delivering state-of-the-art engineering solutions.

The company owns 22 global patents for environmental solutions and is the largest fire protection fabric producer in India. Additionally, it also manages 15 global apparel brands. The diverse group’s organization is 42,000 employees strong spanning across verticals ranging from retail to advanced materials, environmental and social solutions to real estate, apparel to agriculture.


With an evolving SAP portfolio, the company was seeking a partner with deep SAP expertise to provide SAP Application Management Services and architectural consultation.

The objectives were to achieve delivery stability and optimize performances across SAP FMS solution, SAP ERP, SAP EWM, SAP IS Retail, SAP BASIS.

Tarento as the partner of choice

Tarento partnered with the customer to provide SAP Application Management Services and architectural advisory services. Tarento is a trusted SAP consulting and implementation partner for the diversified group. Tarento’s deep capabilities on SAP and presence in India, positioned it as the ideal partner.


There were several challenges associated with a large distributed and diversified group.


As part of its solution, Tarento provided support across the full stack of SAP technology and line of business consulting and Application management services. Tarento formed an integral part of Service Delivery in a multi-partner environment.

Outcomes and Impact

","localFeatureImage":{"childImageSharp":{"fluid":{"src":"/static/b8dfeb22ace3b24bd1160517f0e62adc/af144/Tarento-customer-case-study-SAP-Technology-Business-Consulting-Application-Management-for-a-Global-Leader-in-Retail-Fashion-1.png","srcSet":"/static/b8dfeb22ace3b24bd1160517f0e62adc/7c0ed/Tarento-customer-case-study-SAP-Technology-Business-Consulting-Application-Management-for-a-Global-Leader-in-Retail-Fashion-1.png 200w,\\n/static/b8dfeb22ace3b24bd1160517f0e62adc/647de/Tarento-customer-case-study-SAP-Technology-Business-Consulting-Application-Management-for-a-Global-Leader-in-Retail-Fashion-1.png 400w,\\n/static/b8dfeb22ace3b24bd1160517f0e62adc/af144/Tarento-customer-case-study-SAP-Technology-Business-Consulting-Application-Management-for-a-Global-Leader-in-Retail-Fashion-1.png 800w,\\n/static/b8dfeb22ace3b24bd1160517f0e62adc/ba299/Tarento-customer-case-study-SAP-Technology-Business-Consulting-Application-Management-for-a-Global-Leader-in-Retail-Fashion-1.png 1200w","sizes":"(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px","aspectRatio":1.9138755980861244}}}}},{"node":{"slug":"business-processes-integration-and-hypergrowth-enablement-with-sap-business-bydesign","id":"Ghost__Post__6213856d0d9a1e4b3741b938","title":"Business Processes Integration & Hypergrowth Enablement with SAP Business ByDesign for an Automotive Technology Leader","tags":[{"name":"Case Studies"},{"name":"#industries:retail"}],"excerpt":"Tarento is a trusted SAP implementation partner for the Automotive Technology leader. Tarento’s successes with SAP in Sweden, its capabilities on SAP Business ByDesign and expertise in enterprise cloud architectures, positioned it as the ideal partner to implement SAP Business ByDesign. ","feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2022/09/Tarento-Customer-Case-Study-Business-Processes-Integration-and-Hypergrowth-Enablement-with-SAP-Business-ByDesign-for-an-Automotive-Technology-Leader-Cover.svg","featured":false,"html":"

About the Customer

A worldwide leader in automotive technology with a purpose to create trust in Mobility.

Headquartered in Sweden, the company designs, develops and manufactures state-of-the-art software, hardware and systems for ‘Advanced-Driving Assistance Systems’ and ‘Collaborative and Automated Driving’, for vehicle manufacturers globally.

With a large team of 7,500 people, the company works with benchmark technologies like vision systems, radar, Lidar, thermal sensing, electronic controls, and human-machine interface to prevent accidents or mitigate impact.


The customer was setting up a dedicated software unit to address the growing needs of the automotive ecosystem for scalable and upgradable solutions, which requires highly advanced and power-efficient compute, connectivity, and cloud service capabilities across all vehicle tiers.  The software unit, expected to deliver autonomous and safe driving solutions, was envisioned to develop the complete perception and drive policy software stack.

The company was looking to implement a cloud-based ERP platform that could help them with integrating their processes for the new entity.

Tarento as the partner of choice

Tarento partnered with the customer to implement SAP Business ByDesign (SAP ByD).

Tarento is a trusted SAP implementation partner for the Automotive Technology leader. Tarento’s successes with SAP in Sweden, its capabilities on SAP Business ByDesign and expertise in enterprise cloud architectures, positioned it as the ideal partner.


The customer needed a common cloud-based ERP platform that could help them with integrating their processes for the new company that was being set up. This new company would handle the software branding towards delivery of autonomous and safe driving solutions. The implementation project needed to be run in parallel with the new company formation in 3 countries (Sweden, Romania & China). Additionally, the potential adjustments to existing processes in SAP ByD for 2 countries (US & Germany) needed to be handled.


Tarento carried out a thorough assessment of the customer’s existing processes and business-specific needs as SAP ByD has the following benefits:

Tarento implemented SAP ByD using the SAP Launch implementation methodology to cover:

Outcomes and Impact

","localFeatureImage":{"childImageSharp":null}}},{"node":{"slug":"data-standardization-harmonization-for-a-global-forest-industry-group","id":"Ghost__Post__620ca1560d9a1e4b3741b8eb","title":"Data Standardization & Harmonization for a Global Forest Industry Group","tags":[{"name":"Case Studies"},{"name":"#industries:retail"}],"excerpt":"Planning and executing an end-to-end MMDH program. Increased process throughout and efficient material lifecycle management. Know how Tarento helped the company’s Global ERP+ program achieve its target of Harmonized data with a detailed Governance structure.","feature_image":"http://ghost.tarento.com/content/images/2022/10/Tarento-Customer-Case-Study-Data-Standardization-Harmonization-for-a-Global-Forest-Industry-Group-1.png","featured":false,"html":"

About the Customer

A global forest industry group present in 30+ countries, producing renewable products from forests that replace the use of fossil raw materials.

The Group\'s core businesses are tissue and cooking papers (Tissue), board, pulp (Fibre), wood products as well as wood trade and forestry services.


With its diverse presence, the Forest Industry Group is looking to establish a consistent, globally uniform system landscape. As part of this strategic endeavour, the group is implementing the harmonization of its business processes and data.

Data obviously, plays a crucial role in strategy, and harmonization is seen as a key enabler of

ERP+, targets to implement one common ERP, SAP S/4 Hana, across all business areas. One area for unification is maintenance, repairs, and operations (MRO) material (item) data like cables, bearings, etc. that are crucial for running group’s business.

Business areas will share common material master data and therefore Material Master Data is required to be harmonized and consolidated between business areas.

The group is looking to ensure that most general materials are standardized before the ERP+ implementation project, thereby allowing for greater focus during rollouts on higher impact areas like unclear materials, purely BA/Mill specific material areas as well as on deduplication & consolidation activities.

Tarento as the partner of choice

The forest industry group chose Tarento as a key partner for success in the Master Data Harmonization initiative. The customer is looking to leverage Tarento’s experience of solving similar challenges in the Nordics and its mile deep SAP product expertise.

Tarento presently supports the group in Material Master Data Harmonization (MMDH) which rolls under their Global ERP+ migration program that specifically deals with ERP Data Design, Data Harmonization, Data Migration, and MDM Solution Implementation.


Taking existing data from current systems and doing data standardization centrally by the harmonization team involves wider audiences both at the consulting and the business levels. The hands-on processes are always at risk of actively experiencing many setbacks.


Given the magnitude of the business members, this MMDH task requires the involvement of various stakeholders from Data operations, Local SMEs, Data Integration, Business DCO.

Data Standards:

Data Standard for Material data is in the middle of continuous material management operations in MG’s service center, MMDH, and has linkages to other ERP+ work. The current master data holds the key in this exercise, which comprises the data standards & definitions, their governance policy, and validity. Missing information or necessity of additional details/decisions will trigger a bottleneck in the overall progress.

Language Liaisons:

Involved master data are set up in 8 operational languages (including English, Swedish, Finnish, German and so on). Basic Name dictionary creation & maintenance requires at least one responsible person from each operating country. Dictionary needs an owner who is accountable for it, i.e., to ensure that the dictionary is up-to-date and that the responsible people are nominated.


Tarento’s solution and services help the ERP+ program achieve its target of Harmonized data with a detailed Governance structure.

Material master data harmonization includes the below action areas that require continuous involvement of Business SME, Local Language SME (Plant level), Data Harmonization Expert, Program Management and end-to-end Governance

A structured work model was designed to handle those materials (Inactive materials, Unclear materials, and materials that require additional details/decisions) with higher impacts to this program. The steering committee and coordinators (from both business and consulting) are being able to operate unequivocally in managing these issues/solutions.

Materials are categorized and worked on by their complexity and operative details, which lead us to split and process them in groups such as – Pre-Standardized, Fully Standardized, Standardized but requires additional details/decision, Unclear Materials, Inactive materials, BA specific lists.

Data Governance Committee and ownership from business have been set to handle the situation along with their MAL (material Area Leads) and DCO (Data Concept Owners)

External data sources (manufacturers/vendors) are used to support data enrichment and best harmonization practices are followed. An automated web-scraping tool was used to collect information from such sources. Additional SME/DCO participation from business is being coordinated

Collaboration with Plants & Business Areas when necessary: if any data cannot be fixed centrally (missing identification data, lack of clarities), the Plant SMEs (Local SME), materials experts, regional specialists (language-specific SMEs) are involved as required.

Automated dashboards were developed to provide real-time view of the progress of the program to all the stakeholders.

Outcomes and Impact

The result of this MMDH program can be looked at as benefiting the business with:

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About the Customer

Nordic’s leading consumer electronics retailer operating under multiple brands in Sweden, Denmark and Finland.

The company retails consumer electronics, mobile phones, computers, white goods, domestic appliances and kitchen goods among other products. Additionally, it provides product-related services both directly to consumers and to businesses. As an omnichannel retailer, the company serves its customers through both online channels as well as over 460 brick n’ stores.


The customer managed twelve different legacy systems that could not support the company’s vision for a next-generation retail customer experience. With the existing systems no longer able to accommodate growing requirements, the vision involved building a holistic Next Generation Retail (NGR) program; a digital transformation program that was designed to impact:

The vision with the program was set out to modernize the IT landscape, functionality and move all of the core business into the cloud. At the heart of this program, was the implementation of core SAP product suites and a robust Integration Solution.

Tarento as the partner of choice

The Retailer’s search for the right partner to help with implementation ended with Tarento.

Tarento brings to bear the experience of solving similar challenges in the Nordics, strong digital transformation capabilities, extensive retail domain experience and deep SAP product expertise positioning them as the ideal partner.

Tarento partnered with the retailer on the transformation journey and helped deliver a Hybrid Integration Platform. The team worked closely with the customer team to deploy a modern integration solution on time to the Nordics Market covering 460 stores, B2B and B2C Webshop.


The revolutionary shifts inherent to the program decision posed several challenges that impacted both the choice of the integration platform as well as the implementation.

The selected Integration Platform needed to cater various integration styles and patterns. It needed to be resilient, scalable, complement the complex landscape and handle high-volume event-driven requirements.


Tarento helped deliver an Enterprise grade integration solution based on SAP Cloud Integration Suite that leveraged various Integration services

SAP Integration Suite – Cloud Integration

SAP Integration Suite – API Management


The modernized architecture delivered a seamless customer journey in-store and online with one unified customer master record and 100% in-store mobility available for employees. The stores now have higher sales, reduced cycle times, and improved productivity.

Impact in Numbers

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